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ED/contagion bot combat settings help please

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I'm trying to setup the bot to cast essence drain and contagion. 

It should cast essence drain(key Q) and then contagion(key W) one after the other in a loop.

Is there anyway to do this?  I played around with the settings for a while but it just casts contagion over and over.  i even tried to put a cooldown.

Here's my settings.



Edited by yappin

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Your settings are wrong, priority can be 1-9, with 9 being the HIGHEST priority, aka it will always cast first..

Set up ED with pri 8(I save 9 for a curse or something later if I want it), set max distance to 40(I use 50-70), and then set Contagion to pri 7, max distance 39(just 1 less or so, this probably ins't even necessary), and match their cooldowns, that should work for you.

Edited by RangerRick

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41 minutes ago, SupZerg said:

Who told you this?

That's what I've seen everywhere.. 0-9 to be precise?

If my answer is incorrect, please correct me.

Edited by RangerRick

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4 hours ago, RangerRick said:

That's what I've seen everywhere.. 0-9 to be precise?

If my answer is incorrect, please correct me.

You can use higher values, though it won't make a difference.

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I think the bot, when you hover over the combat phase it just says the one with the "highest" value wins. which isn't very descriptive or helpful to the OP. So wether it's 90 and 100, it wont make a difference just needs to be higher. afaik.

I think if you treat it as a vaal skill might work okay with how you're trying to use it. Set a high prio and on a cooldown, every 4000 ms cast it.. should be enough time to walk over to a group cast it and spam your main skill in between time.



Edited by V4mpyr

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