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Posts posted by stef

  1. On 29.3.2018 at 9:51 AM, bulma33 said:

    so despite the default.ipd files encoding changed to ANSI, if i still using UTF-8 encoded pickit files, there will be no problem right? Because there aren't any special letters used in the pickit default.ipd files.

    ye, should work fine. it worked before.

  2. 39 minutes ago, MasterOfSilence said:

    someone will need to find shaper/elder items and inventory drop all the mods(if they can be dropped) and then add them to a pickit..lots of work.

    the unique items as well but easier but still work.

    with forcesell anything unique related will be picked up regardless.

  3. well, if your ingame filter is hiding stuff that the bot likes to loot, he is gonna get stuck picking up said item.

    what the bot loots/id's/sell or stashes, is done through your pickit file and not your lootfilter ingame.

    at the end of the day you can do whatever you want with your pickit. the sky is the limit. its just a matter of putting the time into working on your pickit. If you want only high profile bases (rares) and ignoring shitty bases, adjust your pickit accordingly. Its honestly not that hard, doesn't require major skills, other than some time to do so.

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