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Everything posted by lukoma666

  1. lukoma666

    Pickit +3 skill

    I am having some issues with the syntax for picking +3 skill items. For whatever reason my lines seems to be grabbing the +1 skill items but not the combination of both. [Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_socketed_gem_level_+] == "1" && ([local_socketed_cold_gem_level_+] == "2" || [local_socketed_fire_gem_level_+] == "2" || [local_socketed_lightning_gem_level_+] == "2") && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_socketed_gem_level_+] == "1" && [local_socketed_bow_gem_level_+] == "2"
  2. Change this line 'hk_9_hk=ä' at the bottom of config.ini to 'hk_9_hk=mbutton' or whatever button you want. This is an issue because we are using USA keyboard layouts and ä is not a key for us =)
  3. Any chance we can have a start minimized option? <3 you long time
  4. I've since played with it more, the majority of the issues i was having was due to the settings not properly saving when the script is paused and/or when exiled bot itself is open. Closing EB tools and the bot and re-opening eb tools (without autostart) allowed me to properly set what i needed to and get it all working fantastic!
  5. I just started using this and I've had so many problems with it. I don't know if its just this updated version but i'm having major problems with it. All instructions say check readme and that says nothing helpful in that department. Initially i couldn't get it to do anything until i clicked save settings and it updated the config file it uses. Configuring this thing was a huge PITA, my settings wernt saving properly and i couldnt get the fucker to retain settings through closing/opening. I guess it takes a long time to save or it makes a lot of constant writes to the file either way its fine now but it functions weird. Finally i got it configured enough to run it and it took off clicking away but it was it was spamming trade chat join 1 join 19 join 28 join 7. I thought i was gonna get banned for the sheer speed those commands were running so i closed everything down. When i was doing that it must have accidentally clicked in the gateway field on login screen and it added about 1000000 /oos into the window. Investigated the config file and my bot settings to disable everything i didnt think was vital to start fixing this nonsense. Bot seemed to be working now but after it joined and cast auras it would just disconnect and relog. Noticed if you have oos set to zero (which most people would think to be in the off position) it spams at like a million a second which is extremely bad. I run oos every 3 seconds on my potion script i dont need double coverage and the rate of that is absurd. i had to set it to 180 seconds to stop it from causing major problems After messing with the configuration for a while I decided it works fine but its easier to just edit the configuration file without the script open to make changes. Sometimes i was having problem with the bot not going to where i told it to, after opening and closing the bot and doing offline edits to the config file it seems to be ok now.
  6. duh! I shoulda realized that myself but ty! That worked like a charm!
  7. this seems broken now? is it broken for anyone else? i really miss the auto party function of this
  8. lukoma666

    Quest Tracking & Sell Coordinates

    Ah now with the update i realize the bot has been changed to auto stash absolutely everything in the inventory other than scrolls, this makes it impossible to enable stashing when a quest that requires an inventory slot is ongoing. I know people have said just complete the quest or just don't start it if you are planning on botting/stashing but this is a very awkward problem that should be fixed
  9. This is suggestion I thought of after realizing all the issues people are having with vendor sell coordinates in different acts and the hassle I've gone through keeping my bots operating.smoothly. I realize the reason its so hard to get them set correctly is because the vendor sell button moves based on quest state. My suggested fix would be to add in a quest tracking area in the bot. Something like a check box menu for not started/in progress/finished. This might potentially be used to fix several things such as ignoring quest items when stashing, vendor coordinates, and maybe even enable bot questing.
  10. lukoma666

    Quick Fix to sell bug on clarissa in act 3

    that wont work if you havn't rescued her yet.
  11. lukoma666

    Smart pickit not selling properly on act3

    Ive had a similar issue in A3, still a problem with quest state not lining up with pre programmed coordinates but not quite... When i'm grinding up new chars, i tend to just give myself the wp for docks in a3 and start botting right from there. The problem with this is that if i have not rescued clarissa she is not there to sell to and the bot does not go to hargan, it just fills my stash with stuff that was supposed to be sold. Simple fix is to just turn off stashing but why waste all that lewt
  12. lukoma666

    clarissa sell button

    Had an issue with selling in a3, not sure why but it was clicking too low on clarissa's menu, i had to change the y location from 137 to 130 (npc_sell_button_y_clarissa=130) and it fixed my issue nm: found a solution to my other problem
  13. lukoma666

    Town Portal Script Issue

    Noticed while running the elite bot that when your stash is full and your inventory hits the auto stash mark, if you have use tp scrolls enabled it looks like the bot actually uses a tp scroll to open a portal but then ignores it. So it just eats through whatever tp scrolls i have on me at that point... not a huge deal but something not working correctly
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