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Everything posted by Ether88

  1. Ether88

    can bot use granite flask or quicksilver?

    You copy-paste script and save it as *.ahk file (like potions.ahk or quicksilver.ahk). You need AutoHotkey to run them. When you want to use them - you doubleclick the script file and then go by instruction inside the script (look for it inside the scripts or in creators posts).
  2. Ether88

    Which Dungeons are you farming

    Library, sometimes with manual help Crypt and Archive.
  3. Ether88

    Recipe Item Pickup

    Example for the gold rings: Example for the quality flasks: From my experience there is no sense in collecting flasks with q < 10. It is just easier to sell 3 or 4 flasks without summing up the quality. With 10%+ condition you don't need to worry about stash full of flasks.
  4. So after some configuration I can use it to run Archives indefinetly?
  5. Ether88

    Theory for getting detected

    @Noobie - of course using only one criteria is stupid, but that kind of gameplay is hint that is worth checking in some time
  6. Thank you for the update! I will try to run some test on it this weekend.
  7. Ether88

    Theory for getting detected

    I am sorry - I did not want to offend you. What I meant is that the volunteers can be world-wide. From their perspective it is not important if you are online atm - there are always logs. Even without world-wide bot-hunters they can always (but - do they want to?) run through the logs connected to the suspected player. That is why it is so important to automate the flagging/banning process. Of course - there will be lots of false-positives, but after some time the detection process can evolve. The question is - do they have enough resources (time, man-power) to develop such an advance system? And another one - will they risk the game reputation and relations with players by testing their bot detection system.
  8. Ether88

    [MBM] - Mobile Bot Manager

    Good idea, but it is not a priority. It is a good add-on to the bot, but there are much more important things to be done. Of course, if someone want to make fan-made version, I am sure that the ExiledBot community would appreciate it.
  9. Ether88

    Safe or not?

    The mysterious thing... THE REASON... without it you will be banned even if you don't bot .
  10. Ether88

    Theory for getting detected

    GGG is not stupid. They have volunteers - moderators and operators in game. They probably can flag people for the Bot Team. That is why the most important is to bot in short bursts, socialize with other players on bot accounts (maybe guild?). Excessive gameplay time is the first warning for them to check your account. The second one I can think off it excessive zones creation - when your bot dies/relogs and create zones too fast or just does zones too fast, it creates much more parallel zones then normal player could. Third one is the "socializing" pattern - average player will contact other players sometimes. Bot will probably contact with only one player or even none... This is an anomaly (because there are a lot of botters - so - a lot of persons with extremely low average players met) - and can be easily check. This is based on my real-life studies (my thesis is about epidemics propagation in populations with various social patterns) and experience as bot-hunter.
  11. Ether88

    randomization on runs!!!!

    Ignorance is a bliss. And a pain. At the time. The zone-change script can be very easily modified to fit your propose.
  12. Ether88

    How to sell?

    Define "trash" - if your bot is picking white items, use keypickup. And just lik Delamonica said - you need to be Elite to use theas feature.
  13. Ether88

    Stash Helper and more.

    Good idea . Thank you very much! One thing - you can run many instances of the program/game using Sandboxie. I use it not only for games, but for security (program run in the "sandbox" don't have access to the system). Of course it is useless for using bot and normal playing, but for transfer will probably do.
  14. I would like to have a snitch in GGG to know how they target botters... And a good book to read while my bot is harvesting stuff...
  15. As I understand: mean: Pick up Rare Chest, then identify and check if it has: - at least +60 max life mod AND - at least 25 cold res AND - at leat 25 fire res. So - if even one of this conditions is not true (for example if it is +70max life, 30% cold, 30 % lightning rare chest) bot will sell it. Instead && use II (if it works correctly). Your rule should look like: [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && ( [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" II [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" ) This will change cold/fire conditions from AND to OR... Can someone tell if this reasoning is true?
  16. Ether88

    Bot Partying with each other

    Cool idea, I was testing this too - by using two machines and by "socializing" with other players while botting . Bots prefer free for all allocation... with perma they are kind of lost. I agree that the most important things are somewhat hard to make. Maybe something simpler - bot-buddy? It would be a support (auras? tank?), a mule and an quantity booster...
  17. Blender updated: Cool way to be nearly immortal is to use two sets of Cast on Damage Taken: Set 1 (not leveled!): - endurance cry - warlords mark (mana leech / life leech / flasks re-charging and endurance charge on kill) or any other curse that your char will work - decoy totem (or rejuveration or devouring) Set 2: - endurance cry (to be sure that you can get lots of endurance charges...) - immortal call (use up all endurance = get immortality) - temporal chains (again - you can use other curse that works good with you) You need to pick up bonus endurance charges from the passives (I have max 5 endurance). Effect: Often (after ~400 dmg taken) you get at least one endurance charge, create totem (that will die soon, but will distract them) and cast curse (in my example warlords mark gives me bonus leech and greater chance to get max endurance charges before the second CoDT activates, it is also a good way to refill flasks - what is important when fighting in 1v1 situation). Sometimes you cast another endurance cry (gives you max charges - if this CoDT activated, that means that you probably are in hard situation with lots of enemies around - if not used up by immortal call, will give additional protection after the immortal calls duration ends), temporal chains (slow them down - after a few seconds of immortality the enemies still will be slowed down), immortal call (will give you some time of immortality basing on the number of endurance charges, gem level and gem quality - this is the time to regenerate life fast using flasks, leech and passive regeneration). Weakness: chaos damage! This kind of dmg ignores IC barrier, so... no immortality when fighting against Dominus, Viper-Strike users, Poison Arrows, etc... But look at the bright side - there is not so many enemies that are very tough and use chaos damage!
  18. Get all flasks with Adrenalin sufix and boost quicksilvers quality to 20% . Very good zone clear time -> now you just need to get best quantity/quality eq...
  19. Pee phase, eat phase and nap phase?
  20. Thx immo - I've sandboxed the AHK and gave sandboxie read-only permision for the PoE/Bot folders (forcing it to create configs inside the sandbox).
  21. From my experience: I have bot time for zone set to 1200 and idle to 120. Zone change: 7 minutes. In the end, time spend in each zone is almost random. From time to time, there is even a possibility to skip zonechange . Since bot is identifying items and stashing, timing goes quite random if you use this kind of values.
  22. You can copy-paste the code from posts above and save them as AHK scripts.
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