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Everything posted by Kintaro

  1. Kintaro

    Need help , some problem about bot

    please come to Slack for more support. it seems you need more than just a simple hint in the right direction join here: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-lcis2er5-ql9QaFfGmeT4~mr6o4NvrA
  2. Kintaro

    clicking on ritual

    the activation is simply a navigation missclick. cannot be avoided sadly
  3. Kintaro

    methamorph dosnt work anymore

    ETA on metamorph is currently unknown. for now disable it and all good. meta comes up very rarely too. it will be fixed in the future versions possibly. for now you are not loosing a lot - actually almost nothing. the bot is currently in a very stable state and runs well.
  4. Kintaro

    clicking on ritual

    sadly this is currently not the case, ask GGG for making it able to run out of the ritual circle instead of being blocked in for the whole duration. a way to cancel the ritual would be ideal like it works with delirium. sorry for the inconvenience
  5. Kintaro

    Bot running for a few minutes then gets "stuck"

    come to Slack and ask please with more information
  6. Kintaro

    Banned again

    the bot is not detected but botting is. be smart and all is fine.
  7. i tried to help him with anydesk. actually no chance to make it work. the bot does not even login. game is in english and all settings are also fine. i actually dont know what else to do for korean guys. are there any additional steps you need to make before it works?
  8. Kintaro

    Donate with coin

  9. Kintaro


  10. Kintaro


    Cool, if u got anything to add to the guide, let me know. Maybe i forgot some small step :-).
  11. Kintaro


    the standard version is "fullbright" pretty much, hurts your eyes. and we are used to discord, so i went for that design adaptation. for the browser version you better go for https://userstyles.org/ and get ur theme for slacks. most of them are broken, but some of them are working fine. the ssb-interop.js is loaded upon starting the app. i had to add something to make it work. it is loading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antroxx/slackstheme4EB/master/theme_05.css on startup. i found it easier for people to just replace one file, instead of making a guide what file to edit and how exactly.
  12. Kintaro


    Download the Windows APP here: https://slack.com/downloads/windows Start, make an account and join EXILE-BOT, close the APP after all is set and ready: -> https://goo.gl/q4zGRL Download "ssb-interop.js" from github OR get it here from the attachment. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antroxx/slackstheme4EB/master/ssb-interop.js If it opens in your browser, save the content to "ssb-interop.js". Save it in the following folder, overwriting the existing file. C:\Users\-----WINDOWSUSERNAMEHERE-----\AppData\Local\slack\app-3.2.0\resources\app.asar.unpacked\src\static Start SLACK and adjust the textsize (if u like) with CTRL and - (not - on numpad). Change Sidebar-Settings to this: #2f3136,#3f4145,#7b8d96,#FFFFFF,#2f3136,#ffffff,#242526,#323436 Now you are DISCORD :-). ssb-interop.js
  13. Kintaro

    bot 75d slow attack

    i see, seems u got latency issues or not? this looks very unfamiliar hmm..
  14. Kintaro

    bot 75d slow attack

    if the bot is not working, the error is on your side. discord is being shut down frequently cause of TOS violation. we need to find a better solution maybe. a video would be nice in any case if u got some problems. the naked sentence "it does not work" does not provide anything we can help u with.
  15. Kintaro

    bot 75d slow attack

    can u provide a short video or GIF please? use https://gyazo.com/ for that or something similar. also a nice tool to have!
  16. Kintaro

    To all those who got banned

    the bot is not detected. 100% sure about that. all bans are based on behavior.
  17. Kintaro

    To all those who got banned

    deal with it, simple. waste of time to talk here. make a new account ^^.
  18. Kintaro

    Never thought this day would come - Banned !

    in 3 years one banwave got me. yeah gonna go again ^^. if you bot, you will deal with it at some point. it is like eating and taking a shit at some point later. you do it, and you you never know when it hits you xD.
  19. Kintaro

    Question before buying

    the does progress pretty nicely, u need to watch out a bit. gearing and putting in passive points has to be done manually to make sure the bot can handle the content.
  20. xD. better hurry, your mom will turn off the power soon :-D.
  21. In the meantime you could invest ur energy getting the bot running and make easy currency. But u ve chosen differently ^^. Cause all others are running zones or maps flawlessly. Cause they learned how to setup properly. DO YOU understand this fact? That there are people who got no problems at all. And this includes most of the time people who messed around for a little while and then lifetime profit? ^^
  22. I dont read much, well. Look that way. U buy something. U cant deal with it. So u have actually to deal with it :-D.
  23. Since u are the only one with the problem cause u messing up hardly. I dont understand ur problem learning the good way instead of flaming. I am really glad to hear that u dont get a refund cause thats how it goes. u did not pay for the service everything is done for u ^^.
  24. Kintaro

    How to get VMware..

    Since Version 12 was heavily lagging only running 3 VM´s / Bots, i tried some changes of settings. Changing Network to "NAT" and increasing the "Graphics Memory" is working for me very good. I have now 3 smooth running bots. I hope this will fix you problems also if you got them . EDIT: This is just an example Screen of another VM. I got 3.1 GB Memory, 2 Processors and 1 GB Graphics Memory setup for them.
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