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Everything posted by kokosoida

  1. kokosoida

    is it possible for bot to enter library level 2?

    Not now, maybe later.
  2. kokosoida

    Dont whant to sell

  3. kokosoida

    Using my map drops

  4. kokosoida

    base_resist_all_elements_% ?

    It won't
  5. kokosoida

    base_resist_all_elements_% ?

    None of this. It's for mod called "+X% to all Elemental Resistances" Examples: http://poe.xyz.is/search/etitarasikamet
  6. I don't see this in 1st post. It's not possible for bot to take portals from stash.
  7. So you want bot not to pick portals, but to pick portals. That's kinda impossible.
  8. I have solution idea: 1) Try to kill monster within selected melee range 2) If monster is not killed after some attempts - try to pathfind to it.
  9. kokosoida

    Couple of questions before buying

    Why not if we are talking about lvl 75+ maps.
  10. kokosoida

    Where can I get bot source code?

    Ok, guys. I'm here to fix misunderstandings! twinkle, ExiledBot is not opensource bot. Because so decided developers. There are some benefits and some disadvantages in opensource projects. Maybe if you write here what benefits will community and developers get from code being open - devs will change their mind. Maybe. Other guys, if you know any opensource bots for PoE or other mmorpgs - give our new member a link. It might help him to become new bot developer.
  11. kokosoida

    Where can I get bot source code?

  12. kokosoida

    Turn off aura before portal out

    It should turn on aura if it's off. Are you sure he doesn't? That's probably a bug. Does it really recast auras? Alk fixed it in v0.11c. That's probably a bug.
  13. kokosoida

    Couple of questions before buying

    1) 2) Kills this monsters first 3) It does not. However WIP 4) 5) It can reroll blue maps. WIP with yellow maps. 6) It'll work even with shittiest settings,
  14. kokosoida

    Setting skill ranges - a visual aid

  15. Show us your skills.ini file. It's known issue. Melee builds are better for botting atm.
  16. kokosoida

    Act III vendor problems

    Don't forget to enable this
  17. kokosoida

    Act III vendor problems

    1) Make sure u have some wisdom scrolls in inventory 2) Set bot like this 3) Tell us what happens. If there'll still be a problem - paste here your "Pickit\default.ipd"
  18. kokosoida

    0.18 Bug(s)

    Bot is literally useless now!
  19. kokosoida

    default.ipd / uniques

    It'll unless you comment it. That's what it is there for. Not really. Meet your girlfriend kissing your brother - that's confusing.
  20. kokosoida

    default.ipd / uniques

    So what? It'll collect all uniques. If you don't want to collect all uniques - comment line 61.
  21. kokosoida

    Totem skill for RF builds.

    Totem build sucks for botting. Why'd you ever chose it?
  22. Look. Bad: 1) Bot is running 2) Bot is closed 3) Bot is started 4) Status tab is clear Good: 1) Bot is running 2) Bot is closed 3) Bot is started 4) Status tab is not reset Can we make bot to save state of status tab between bot reloads? So in can only be cleared with clear button?
  23. kokosoida

    Quality Gems

    Replied you there.
  24. kokosoida

    All gems are being picked up

    That's true. Alk, delete this line from default pickit pls. #AlkFixPls To pick quality gems use this
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