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Posts posted by rodin

  1. well,and what gems are expensive on soft?

    and what class/skill do you use for farm?flicker?)

     Well for this you kind have to know which builds are popular, right now I would go for reduced mana, melee gems, discharger gems. Reduced Mana 20/20 is pretty much auto-sold as soon as you lvl it.

    • Upvote 1

  2. 1 bot = 900 chaos per week easily. If you know what you are doing. People usually are blindsided to how to make currency botting in this game, it is not about currency's drop, it is not about gear drop, it is about gems and xp. I always laugh when I see some1 saying " LOL buying good gear for bot, LOLOLOLOL you are a noob1!!11".

    • Upvote 2

  3. Menu, Tray, Icon, quicksilver.bmp
    loop {
    	IfWinActive, Path of Exile
    		ImageSearch, posx, posy, 5, 25, 210, 60, *30 hatred.bmp ; 
    		If Errorlevel = 1
    		Sleep 200
    			ImageSearch, posx, posy, 5, 25, 210, 60, *30 quicksilver.bmp
    			If Errorlevel = 0
    			Sleep 200
        				Send {3}
    				Sleep 6000	
    				Send {4}	
    				Sleep 6000

    hatred.bmp = Some img of some aura you use that will trigger the usage of quicksilver potion. If you use some other aura you will need to get a new img for the search.

    quicksilver.bmp = Img of the quicksilver potion so the script dont overlap usage.

    5 , 25 , 210, 60 = Coords for the imagesearch in the client window

    Send {3} and Send {4} = Keys where your quicksilver flasks are, jut change the number inside according to your setup.


    Created some txt file and put the code inside, rename to autoQuick.ahk and put this file and both imgs in the same directory.


    You problably will have to get new imgs so it can match your specs, just use print screen, open mspaint, paste , zoom in all you can, select the midle of the aura/quicksilver img and make a new one.

    To optimize the rendiment of this script you pretty much have to use Warlords Marks and some % increased charge recovery mod, using this I have 80% uptime.




    Open this tool to get your coords if mine dont match your specs. Just right click some ahk script thats already running.




    The red coords are the coords you want.




    You have to get two sets of coords, first at the PURPLE DOT, second at BLACK DOT. Just replace the ones in the script.




    Here is some example of how to get your img for search, you will use the selected area, just cut and save in a new file.


    If you have any doubts feel free to ask, but this shit is very smple and you guys are smart to figure out just reading this usefull link and using google.


    Usefull links:



    Edit. THIS IS ANOTHER SCRIPT MADE BY IMMO, working as good as mine. All the "how to make it work" are inside the code in the commented line (the one after the ;)

    ; User Config
    _name_poe_win = Path of Exile						; Name of the window when you run game exe
    _qsDuration = 6										; enter your Quicksilver Flask duration !in seconds!
    _firstQuicksilver = 4								; inGame Hotkey for your first Quicksilver Flask
    _secondQuicksilver = 5								; inGame Hotkey for your second Quicksilver Flask
    _outOfTown = 0x506D8B								; In order to get your correct Pixelcolor please press F5
    												; !!! before pressing F5 make sure your character is currently not in any town! (you must be able to use a skill) !!!
    ; some needed calculations
    _qsDurationTrue := (_qsDuration * 1000) + 250
    ; introduction
    TrayTip, QS-Script loaded!, Options:`n> F8: Get the needed Pixelcolor!`n> F9: Start the Script (if already configured correctly)! , 2, 2
    Pause On
    ; Main loop for activating the Quicksilver Flask
    	IfWinActive, %_name_poe_win%
    		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_outOfTown%, 0, Fast
    		If Errorlevel = 1
    			Sleep 100
    			PixelSearch, Px, Py, 5, 25, 210, 60, 0xEFFF10, 0, Fast
    			If Errorlevel = 0
    				Sleep 100
    				Send {%_firstQuicksilver%}
    				Sleep %_qsDurationTrue%
    				PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_outOfTown%, 0, Fast
    				If Errorlevel = 0
    					Send {%_secondQuicksilver%}
    					Sleep %_qsDurationTrue%
    					sleep 100
    ; get the needed pixel color for checking if in town or not
    	WinActivate, %_name_poe_win%
    	PixelGetColor, color, 655, 582
    	_outOfTown = %color%
    	TrayTip, Individual Pixelcolor found!, Define ''_outOfTown'' by using this color:`n`n                >>               %color%               <<`n`nBut for this time you can simply press F9 to start the script... , 10, 1
    ; Simple Pause/Unpause Function
    	if A_IsPaused
    		Pause off
    		TrayTip, QS-Script unpaused!, 1, 2
    		TrayTip, QS-Script paused!, Press F9 to resume... , 1, 2
    		Pause On
    ; Exitfunction
    	TrayTip, , terminating QS-Script! , 2.5
    	sleep 3000



    • Upvote 2

  4. ; Skills config file[skills]; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill0_key=mouse_left; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill0_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill0_max_distance_value=1200; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill0_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill0_cooldown=2000; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill0_priority=9; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill0_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill0_close_targets=1; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill0_close_targets_range=1200; Press shift while casting ?skill0_use_shift=true; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill1_key=mouse_right; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill1_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill1_max_distance_value=1200; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill1_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill1_cooldown=2500; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill1_priority=10; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill1_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill1_close_targets=2; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill1_close_targets_range=1200; Press shift while casting ?skill1_use_shift=false; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill2_key=mouse_wheel; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill2_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill2_max_distance_value=0; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill2_is_aura=true; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill2_cooldown=0; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill2_priority=1; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill2_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill2_close_targets=0; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill2_close_targets_range=100; Press shift while casting ?skill2_use_shift=false; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill3_key=Q; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill3_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill3_max_distance_value=1200; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill3_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill3_cooldown=0; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill3_priority=8; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill3_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill3_close_targets=2; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill3_close_targets_range=1200; Press shift while casting ?skill3_use_shift=true; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill4_key=W; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill4_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill4_max_distance_value=0; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill4_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill4_cooldown=0; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill4_priority=1; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill4_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill4_close_targets=0; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill4_close_targets_range=100; Press shift while casting ?skill4_use_shift=false; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill5_key=E; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill5_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill5_max_distance_value=0; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill5_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill5_cooldown=0; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill5_priority=0; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill5_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill5_close_targets=0; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill5_close_targets_range=100; Press shift while casting ?skill5_use_shift=false; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill6_key=R; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill6_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill6_max_distance_value=0; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill6_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill6_cooldown=0; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill6_priority=1; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill6_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill6_close_targets=0; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill6_close_targets_range=100; Press shift while casting ?skill6_use_shift=false; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill.skill7_key=T; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill.skill7_min_distance_value=0; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill.skill7_max_distance_value=0; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura.skill7_is_aura=false; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again (in ms).skill7_cooldown=0; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority).skill7_priority=1; Use skill for normal monsters, special monsters (boss, rare, uniques, etc) or both?skill7_target=0; Use skill depending of the number of targets close to the monsterskill7_close_targets=0; Range used when checking monsters around the targetskill7_close_targets_range=100; Press shift while casting ?skill7_use_shift=false

    left mouse = my main single target Skill - Frenzy

    mid mouse = clarity

    right mouse = curse

    Q = Aoe skill Split Arrow

  5. There are risks dealing with RMT (Real Money Trading), but you use a fucking bot, so you know how to deal with risks. You could get banned by GGG, could get scammed. I can not guarantee a happy ending.

    What you will need:

    1- Email Address

    2- Skype account

    3- Some currency (depends of the league, newer leagues have high real money valor, older leagues lower).

    4- Some reseller that will buy your currency.

    First Step -

    Create account in https://www.paypal.com/ . You only need an email, skip the credit card/bank account steps, they are not needed. You need to confirm your email to use the payments you received.

    Second Step -

    Find someone to buy your currency.

    I usually look in http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/pat ... ell-trade/ , check references, be sure you are dealing with the right person, you problably have to trade first, get paid later. But we have a lot of other options like private buyers, others forums. It will require a leap of faith when trading so dont blame me if you fucked up finding an honest person.

    This are the buyers that I have dealt, never had any problems with them, fast trades, fast payments.

    http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/pat ... piler.html

    http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/pat ... lcome.html

    http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/pat ... -gold.html

    ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK IF YOU ARE TALKING WITH THE RIGHT PERSON IN SKYPE. Ask him to post in his topic confirming it is him your are talking to.

    After the trade is made, he will ask for your Paypal's info, just give him the email you used to create your Paypal's account and he will pay you using it. After you got the confirmation of payment procede to the donation. Remember that you can only use your paypal's money if you confirmed your email.

    Third Step -

    Donate $25+ using your paypal to Exiledbot.

    Use this guide by BloodyBeast viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13

    (the link for the donation form is in the end of the post, little box "donate".

    After all this you will have helped this great software and his creators to achieve more and will be able to enjoy botting without a lot of waiting.

    If anyone have good tips I can add in this topic.

    Please refrain to blame me if this doenst work out for you, it worked for me and a few friends. Good luck and long live to EB.

    http://www.playerauctions.com has much lower risk of being scammed/charged back. I've been using it to unload runescape resources for years. Never had a single problem.

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