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Posts posted by madmayhem

  1. why would armour rating drop, wehn you level up? And where do you get that info from?

    Nope, you were right, I was wrong.

    Seems I as well as my friends all fell for the same thing as a lot of people did. The character sheet just displays a lower damage reduction/evasion chance each time you level since it is basing that value off monsters your current level, so your actual value doesn't really lower.

    We all just assumed that it was done that way to balance evasion with armour, to keep evasion always at around 50% if you upgraded your items properly, but basing it of monster level does a better job then that anyway.

    Doesn't really explain why I noticed myself dieing a lot when I got back after that reduction, but I suppose that could easily just be rng in the monster affixes/ numbers.

  2. if you're good enough to survive botting in an area, then you don't need to allocate the passives immediately.

    I do have to disagree with that quote, one time I started botting in one spot for a while but after a enough levels my armour rating dropped enough to decrease my damage reduction by over 20%, which was significant enough to cause a lot of kill/chicken.

    But at the same time I also don't think that automatic passives allocation could have stopped that, it was an issue with over levelling my gear too much.

    Althoug it would be nice to do so and to tell the bot once you hit lvl xx and have allocated yy, go to zone ZZ

    That would be quite nice, though the lack of efficient gear would kill. That feature would probably only work for normal and if you geared up with good low level uniques

  3. Honestly wouldn't care much for this myself, but it's an idea so I thought I may as well share it.

    Most useful for when you are leaving the bot running by itself for very long periods of time, or possibly if running it on multiple accounts at once.

    I think this sounds a little complex and don't know if it could be done but, basic idea, in a config file you put in a hyperlink to a passives spec (ones you can make on the official website) and when the bot levels up it will try to read that and assign passives to fill out your passives tree the same as the one linked.

  4. You sure?

    I've been finding a pretty huge drop in decrease in findings that I can't just write off as RNG, I went from finding almost a full inventory of stuff a day (only about 10 slots empty) to only finding about 10-15 slots worth of stuff all together in sessions of the same duration


    Not only that, but those fewer items that i did get weren't very high quality ones either.


    Either way, even if it didn't effect drops i'd still want the feature because of characters growing weaker as they level up. The other day I was quite easily botting one area, but by the end of the day my armour had dropped by around 20%. Don't really want to have to keep upgrading the gear on a character on an alternate account that could potentially find itself a random ban at any stage :)

  5. Basic idea here is that the feature would count the number of monsters within "Distance" and if the number of monsters is below a "Set Number" then the bot will use a different attack.

    In practice:

    Large horde of monsters attacking the bot, It uses your "Right Click" skill lightning arrow linked with LMP and Chain to deal with them.

    Horde is reduced down to the 1 Yellow monster that would usually take you a while to kill since you aren't using a single target skill, Bot counts there is only 1 monster nearby and swaps to your "Middle Click" skill, Frenzy, to finish it off.

    Distance: User set, this could be any close-by number or possibly set to the range of an ability you are using

    Set Number: User set, usually would set to the maximum number of targets that your higher damage skill can hit.

  6. Well, I guess I will say hello.

    Haven't donated yet, but I plan to eventually once I get a bunch of stuff sorted out. (will probably be a while though)

    I'm quite busy but I'll lurk around and try to help/suggest stuff when it comes to me.

  7. Often the problem for me is that I accidentally open the bot twice, if you open the bot when it is already opened and paused then pausing the new new will unpause the old one.

    A nice way to prevent that could possibly be something that doesn't let you open it more then once.

    If you do run into this situation then you just have to keep clicking the game and spamming alt+F4/exc, then eventually the game will close and even though it will re-open the game again, you have a window of opportunity to close the bot while the game is still in the loading part.

  8. There may be other uses people could find for this, but the way I want to use it is with Righteous Fire and the 'Aura' option for the same skill on 'true'. The whole idea here is that you can farm with one character in one area without having to worry about levelling up, which is a great feature for people who don't want to spend the time re-clearing the game again on a new account and/or can't afford to or don't wish to be forced to farm all the way in late merc because of the nerfing of drops rates from over levelling.

    How it works in practice:

    With a skill slot set up for Righteous Fire as an 'Aura' and with this option, I am assuming that the end result would be that when setting up auras after just entering a zone, the bot will check the users experience and if it is above the desired value set by the user, the bot will then cast the 'aura' (righteous fire) hopefully killing itself in the process, then revive, return to town, and come back in to fight again but since there is less experience now it will not cast the skill when setting up auras, and run through the area normally.

    Had this idea over here:

    would it be possible for someone to work out a script to basically cast righteous fire once your XP hits a certain point?


    Or alternatively, would it be possible to add an option to the skills use cast a skill whenever our XP is above a % value we can set? Then we can just map righteous fire to that skill or whatever and that should be a pretty simple way to keep ourselves below whatever point we want.


    I had an idea and though to just map righteous fire to any skill and tell the bot to use it as an aura, but then realised there would be a problem then that it would just run in and kill itself over and over without fighting. but yea, this would be the perfect way to do it if we could only get it to only cast this 'aura' when XP is at/above a certain point, because with this you wouldn't have to worry about killing yourself with the skill triggering mid-combat when you might be fighting something with good drops.

  9. would it be possible for someone to work out a script to basically cast righteous fire once your XP hits a certain point?


    Or alternatively, would it be possible to add an option to the skills use cast a skill whenever our XP is above a % value we can set? Then we can just map righteous fire to that skill or whatever and that should be a pretty simple way to keep ourselves below whatever point we want.


    I had an idea and though to just map righteous fire to any skill and tell the bot to use it as an aura, but then realised there would be a problem then that it would just run in and kill itself over and over without fighting. but yea, this would be the perfect way to do it if we could only get it to only cast this 'aura' when XP is at/above a certain point, because with this you wouldn't have to worry about killing yourself with the skill triggering mid-combat when you might be fighting something with good drops.

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