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Posts posted by immo

  1. this site wont help you without payment, go to ahk forum bro, you might learn a thing or two there.


    Somehow ironical that such comment comes from a person with just a single forum posting...



    I don't think this has been done by any user yet (at least nothing public). But since reading the entire current affix list is very easy to do (CTRL + C while hovering the item and you get all item mods in the clipboard variable), rerolling an item to some specific affixes shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.


    This little snippet should point you into the right direction:

    	iteminfo := CreateIteminfoFromClipboard(ItemToClipboard())
    	Loop, % iteminfo.MaxIndex()
    		Msgbox, % iteminfo[A_Index]
    	IfWinActive Path of Exile ahk_class POEWindowClass
    		SendMode Input
    		clipboard := ""
    		Send ^c
    		ClipWait, 0.05
    			return 0
    			return clipboard
    	If (Clipboardcontent != "") {
    		_ItemInfo := []
    		Loop, Parse, Clipboardcontent, `n, `r
    		return _ItemInfo

    Simply hover over an item and press F1. This results in looping through all lines from the gathered item info (and in my example output each line through a msgbox.

  2. True... I totally forgot about this feature in poe. Of curse, this requires you to always have the base items as well as the materials in the same inventory slot and it will probably take like 5times the duration as if you would read the specific information from memory. But I agree, for someone who is not firm with reversing poe, the amount of time needed to invest into reversing Poe's inventory and item structure is probably not worth the advantages ;)

  3. Oha, this is a daring statement. :P

    I think this always depends on what you want to achieve. On the one hand, you are totally true, simple auto chancing items is super simple but on the other hand, if you want to detect the result of your latest chanced item (i.e. to stop chancing this type of item on some definition.), you will definitely need more time than just one or two days...  :mrgreen:

    And I can say this from my own experience of similar tasks, reading the inventory from memory (especially with AutoHotkey) is a pain in the ass!

  4. First of all, I do not play poe any longer since at least 1.5years. I do not even have an up-to-date client installed. :D
    Anyway, to be honest, I just had some hours of spare time and was bored, so I gave updating TradeSpam a try...
    This is what I came up with: zip.gif  tradespam.v6.2.zip   1.27MB


    As far as I can see, it is working for me.

    • This does not automatically mean that it is working for every user!
    • If there are bigger issues with this version, it might be possible that I am not going to fix em... or it could again take 1.5years!
    • I did not heavily test this release, so expect issues!

    Nevertheless, hopefully, it is working for you guys. If so, enjoy it as long as it lasts.
    I am expecting tears, fury & feedback!

    • Upvote 1

  5. ...or >just< ur trade spam mate to 2.4


    Yeah, "just" ^^


    First of all, I do not play poe any longer since at least 1.5years. I do not even have an up-to-date client installed. :D


    Anyway, to be honest, I just had some hours of spare time and was bored, so I gave updating TradeSpam a try...

    This is what I came up with: tradespam.v6.2.zip


    As far as I can see, it is working for me.



    • This does not automatically mean that it is working for every user!
    • If there are bigger issues with this version, it might be possible that I am not going to fix em... or it could again take 1.5years!
    • I did not heavily test this release, so expect issues!

    Nevertheless, hopefully, it is working for you guys. If so, enjoy it as long as it lasts.

    I am expecting feedback!

  6. Something like this should work:

    (not tested though!)

    #SingleInstance, force
    SendMode Input
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
    SetBatchLines, -1
    DetectHiddenWindows, On
    ; Global variables:
    cliname := "Path of Exile"
    MaxChannels := 7
    ; Some more preparations
    WinGet, WinID, List, %cliname%
    Loop, %WinID%
    	WinGet, ProcModuleName, ProcessName,  % "ahk_id" WinID%A_Index%
    	If (ProcModuleName = "PathOfExileSteam.exe") {
    		cliexe	:= "PathOfExileSteam.exe"
    	} Else If (ProcModuleName = "PathOfExile.exe") {
    		cliexe	:= "PathOfExile.exe"
    POEHWND := GetHwnd(cliname, cliexe)
    ; TradeSpam Macro
    		Loop, %MaxChannels%
    			SetKeyDelay, random(50, 70), random(10, 30)
    			ControlSend,,{NumpadEnter}, % "ahk_id" POEHWND
    			RandomSleep(35, 75)
    			ControlSendRaw,,% "/trade " . A_Index, % "ahk_id" POEHWND
    			RandomSleep(35, 75)
    			ControlSend,,{NumpadEnter}, % "ahk_id" POEHWND
    			RandomSleep(95, 125)
    ; additional functions:
    GetHwnd(process, exename)
    	If WinExist(process) {
    		WinGet, WinID, List, %process%
    		Loop, %WinID% {
    			WinGet, ProcModuleName, ProcessName, % "ahk_id" WinID%A_Index%
    			If(ProcModuleName=exename) {
    				If (WinID%A_Index%=WinActive("A"))
    				return WinID%A_Index%
    	} else
    		return false
    randomSleep(msMin, msMax)
    	Global SendDelay
    	Random, out, % msMin + SendDelay, % msMax + SendDelay
    	sleep, %out%
    random(min, max)
    	Random, out, %min%, %max%
    	return out

  7. kKJD1ZC.png
      Tradespam v6.2  
    Since many of you asked me to update my TradeSpam Tool, I've decided to rewrite and release an updated one.



    zip.gif  tradespam.v6.2   1.27MB 

    cog.png Changelog:

    • Updated all offsets to Path of Exile v2.4.0d
    • Entirely rewritten the memory reading functions.

    This results in a massive performance gain! (i.e. old AoBScan method took ~6500ms while the new one takes only ~55ms)

    • Added a Donate button :P






    cog.png Features:

    • No FileReading, image- or pixel search is used at all, everything is done via memReading!
    • Optional number of channels.
    • Option to break advertisement if you receive a pm.
    • almost every automated input is using randomized delays!
      • The randomization consists of two parts.
        • The base timings which can be changed to whatever you like.
        • Your current Latency.
      • This results in completely randomized delays and should provide maximum account security.
    • Option to play sound if you receive a pm (can be disabled)!
    • Loop your advertisement as long as you want.
    • You can choose between 2 spam methods:
      • The standard method you all know.
      • Linking every item every time (that way you can change zones without breaking item links).
    • If a message accidently gets fucked up, TradeSpam automatically tries to fix it! (optimized).
    • Option to log received pms to an external text file.
    • Option to log the entire Trade channel to an external text file.
    • Option to filter the Trade channel for specific words.
      • Further explanation on the word-filter and how this works can be found here.
    • Instant reply to the last received pm via a button.
    • Stores all player names which ever sent you a pm.
    • Each person who ever whispered you are available through a drop-down list which features multiple options:
      • Send the selected player a PM.
      • Invite the selected player to your party.
      • Initiates a trade with the selected player. Characters must be in the same town hub instance to trade.
      • Kicks the selected player from your party.
      • Displays the selected players level, class, league, and whether he is online or not.
      • Add the selected player to your FList.
      • Adds a player account specified by the character name you've selected to the ignore list. No messages will be received from ignored players.
      • Sends you to the selected character's hideout. Only useable while in town.
    • Additional important information is displayed via splash text.
    • You can watch your current trade-channel live inside TradeSpam (PoE does not need to be active!)!
    • Auto-Update Feature!
      • If there is a new version, it will automatically detect this and offers you to download & install the new version. 


    cog.png HowTo:

    • Run TradeSpam.
    • Choose between the two spam methods:
    • Method1 (the standard method you all know):
      • Enter your desired Trade message in game to any trade channel and submit it.
      • To start advertising press 'F1' or use the 'Start' button in the script.
      • Now TradeSpam is constantly doing the advertisement for you until you press 'F2' or the 'Stop' button.
    • Method2 (linking every item every time to not break item links):
      • This method needs some special setup.
      • Open your stash and put up to 10 items you want to offer in one stash tab or your inventory.
      • Mouseover every item you want to add to your advertisement and press 'ALT' + 'X'.
      • Every time you've pressed 'ALT' + 'X' to add an item, a popup occurs.
      • Enter the desired price for the item and press 'OK' to advertise the item with a specific buyout or press 'CANCEL' to advertise this item without a price set.
      • Don't close your stash tab and/or inventory if linked items are in it while advertising! Otherwise, the advertisement will break.
      • Press 'F4' or the 'Start' button in the GUI to start advertisement.
      • Now TradeSpam is constantly doing the advertisement for you until you press 'F2' or the 'Stop' button.
    • Word filter usage:
      • Open the 'Word-Filter' gui. (view example image)
      • Be sure to check the 'use filter' Option if you want TradeSpam to notify you on string detection! (view example image)
      • Enter your desired word and/or string in the edit box and hit the 'Add' button! (view example image)
      • You can add as many strings as you want. You may add any string you're interested in, in general. Now simply check those entries you want to get notified this session! (view example image)
      • Finally, when you're done with the above steps, simply hit the 'Save' button to save your list and close the Word-Filter gui! (view example image)
      • That's it. As soon as you've completed These steps, TradeSpam starts looking for the strings you've set up. You are able to additionally advertise any stuff like normal through TradeSpam. However, you'll get notified in aný way on word-filter detection, no matter if you currently advertise or simply have TradeSpam running in the Background!
    • Enjoy TradeSpam and earn some cash!



    cog.png Hotkeys:

    • 'F1' > Start advertising.
    • 'F2' Pause advertising.
    • 'F8' > Exit TradeSpam.
    • 'ALT' + 'R' > Reply to the last character which sends you a pm.
    • 'ALT' + 'I' > Invite the selected player to your party.
    • 'ALT' + 'T' > Initiates a trade with the selected player. Characters must be in the same town hub instance to trade.
    • 'ALT' + 'T' > adds an item to spam method 2.



    cog.png Notes:

    • Item links are not being displayed "correctly"! (you just see a "_" instead of the item name)
    • be sure to use the standard PoE version! (no steam or any other odd version, just the standard English game client is supported!)
    • Upvote 1

  8. Jeeez why didn't I implement fishing in the bot til now ? I almost fished a mirror of kalandra the other day, but a stupid fish came and grab it from my hook at the time I was going to loot it.

    Mhmm, i thouht the one you gave me for free was the one you fished?!

  9. It is as safe as all other third party software (which does not write to the games memory!)


    Basicly GGG would need to create a pattern for this tool and scan for it which i doubt they do ;) Besides from that my TradeSpam uses a unique way to create a random delay between each and every single processingstep (calculating a random delay by using the current ping timings). So there are no obvious things which could point out someone is using TradeSpam.


    But like i said in the beginning, it i s as safe as each other thirdparty software, i would lie if i'd say it is 100% safe to use. Nobody besides GGG knows exactly what they are looking for specificly. What i am able to say is that i am using TradeSpam myself since ever and didnt recieved a single ban yet for using it.

  10. Please dont get me wrong, but you should really stick with the default mapfile which can be found in every new release of the bot (always contains the most current version of the mapfile) and while you are using the default one you might start on digging a little deeper into the materia cuz it sound like you're doing this kind of stuff not that long yet ...

    Hi does this only allow you to run those 4 maps up top? It looks like it says ignore all the rest of the maps towards the bottom.

    No, without editing this particular mapfile runs the following:

    • Rare maps level less than 70
    • Magic map between level 68 and 75 (note, this includes unique maps)
    • Normal rarity maps get transmuted to magic one (so the minimum rarity you run maps in is magic)
    • all unique maps are ignored.

    Again this shouldnt sound harsh, but you may notice that these are also the only four lines in the entire script which dont start with "//"

    So the conclusion should have been that the prefix "//" ignores the entire line. AAND this could have given you the clue that you simply need to delete the "//" before any line which you want to activate.

    But in generell, those lines starting with "//" are completly ignored by the bot, if you would like to activate, you'll need to uncomment this line. (This does also apply to the item pickit file)


    What if i just want to run all maps cause i dont have the ones that are allowed?

    Like i said before, using the latest default mapfile should be exactly what ur looking for. The only thing you need to change is the level restriction since the defaul mapfile only runs maps up to lvl

    71. This can be found on line 17.


    Ive tried fixing my maps file but still does not work for me. Thanks for any help :)

    What did you tried to fix? What is still not working for you?

    However the most recent default mapfile can be found here.

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