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Everything posted by rumpis

  1. i does not get this to work, offset update again? (: it says start advertising, but nothing at all happens there after no logging in window, nor typing in chat :/
  2. rumpis


    Hey I got huge issues to reach this site from my pc. I can reach it from my phone. But not on the pc. I have tried with 2 diffrent web browsers. Cleard history.. any1 else got some ideas?
  3. i got hammerd after like 2-3 hours today running bots in normal ledge, leveling them up from the last ban.. Mac is not related. still running my main witch i play some on my own, some maps talking to ppl and do some otherstuff then the normal
  4. i just copy over my old cordinates file from last bot, always worked for me!
  5. rumpis

    @Devs: Update 6+ bots manually - easiest way?

    Get all to same level and do all quests
  6. rumpis

    IP Ban but no Account Ban

    muds for one month? I would be carefull on those accounts, i mean GGG cant be that stupid.. maybe leave them 1 week and then go again?
  7. use smart pickit, then it will sell everything that is not in the pickit
  8. or have, IF Chance orb in stash or inventory, tro gather White Seige axe for example, then use, If no chance, then do not pick up the siege axe (maybe have a several diffrent white items the bot could pick up and use on the first it find, for example gold ring aswell.) ?
  9. Hey! i did not get this 2work sadly :/ it said it was running however it did not do anything EDIT: Sorry i cannot read 2day.. will try to run as admin when i get home!
  10. rumpis

    vendor in act3

    you can do that anyhow just start from a2 instead.
  11. rumpis

    Collected Armourer's Scrap

    Hey! not the same subject but almost, if i want to add scroll of wisdom / portal scroll how do i type it then for the bot to collect these? (:
  12. Hey! Couldent you do a guide about this one? , what gear, specc , where you run and so forth? (:
  13. rumpis

    Banned this morning

    i tried running through a vpn tunnle ( Proxy?) your freedom. but still dident gett it to work, think i will try reboot my router ( Think we have dynamic IP) Will that help then?
  14. rumpis

    Banned this morning

    Just lost 3 more myself, Reset your MAC address to get out of IP ban THis dident work for me I followd this
  15. rumpis

    Banned this morning

    just got myself 3 accounts banned, and IP Ban. any1 know how to get out of the IP Ban?
  16. rumpis

    Suggestions from a new user!

    Some nice tips however most of these things are allready mentioned within this forum and sooner or later i would guess it all will come
  17. so if i understand this correct, if i got 8 core processor, i will only be able to run normal windos + 3 VM? is that correct?
  18. I started botting at lvl 19 with groundslam char, basicly no gear. and i read about leap slam to avoid the walls and stucks, so i geared it for leapslam but tbh it was abit hard before you get faster attacks, or propper gear, but atm im lvl 68 i belive and it looks kinda good for me atm, im hoping to reach sarn 2night to start at it in merciless Any questions just ask
  19. Even if i uncheck to open chests, it still Focus on opening chests :/
  20. rumpis

    orb farming theory crafting, please help

    i think that might work pretty good accually what you are saying, However not until they implament a funktion for you to stay at a sertain lvl I started running at lvl 19 mara as groundslam, atm i have reached 61 with the bot and going with Leapslam instead witch works over my expectations no idea about the dropprate atm
  21. rumpis

    Pathing scripts (A temporary pathing fix)

    I will try run the bot on docks 2night on cruel, im running mara with leapslam , sence of all the walls and shit i found that leapslam does decentdmg for now atleast. were running groundslam, but will try leapslam and see if that works out so should hopefully jump across the water aswell
  22. rumpis

    Pathing scripts (A temporary pathing fix)

    for the forest i would say top only
  23. rumpis

    Introducing Tim

    Hey i have played PoE from closed beta, used to bot d2 alot, wow and D3, and this game is the far most funny one yet I did a donation for 15$ but i couldent comment my accountname :/ so if any mod would like to contact me how to proceed to confirm the payment i would be happy )
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