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Everything posted by username1001101

  1. username1001101

    [PASSIVES ALLOCATOR] Self Explanatory

    why would armour rating drop, wehn you level up? And where do you get that info from?
  2. username1001101

    [PASSIVES ALLOCATOR] Self Explanatory

    Well, the in different zones monsters are stronger or less strong... so in order to have same protection you need more/less armour. But armour is not dependant on char level...
  3. username1001101

    [PASSIVES ALLOCATOR] Self Explanatory

    You claim about armour dropping is interesting, since armour calculation does not involve character level: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Armour
  4. username1001101

    [PASSIVES ALLOCATOR] Self Explanatory

    if you're good enough to survive botting in an area, then you don't need to allocate the passives immediately. Althoug it would be nice to do so and to tell the bot once you hit lvl xx and have allocated yy, go to zone ZZ
  5. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    Hmmm, did I forget to set profile to power use.... I'll have to check.
  6. username1001101

    Kill Switch

    it's F12 to stop the bot.
  7. you can also press ESC to skip the update process.
  8. username1001101

    Explanation of the new skill priority thingy

    So this means, when multiple skills have the same distance: e.g. skill 1 has distance of 100 to 300 and skill 2 has a distance of 150-175 and the mob is at 160 then both skills would be suitable. At this point the priority kicks in for which skill ist first cast?
  9. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    and poe is 32bit also and requires about 1 gb ram but depends a lot more on the video card and video ram.
  10. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    why would a 64bit VM be faster?
  11. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    The VM here doesn't work in vmware player.
  12. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    ADDON: I enabled Application Expierence service again. It seems Win 7 has issues deleting the exiled loader file when it's disabled. I also put in the latest bot version and made a system bar shortcut to EBG. This means a new VM is getting synced now...
  13. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    Well, you need to setup the settings of the vm yourself. How much ram, cpu cores etc can be used - and also what kind of networking. Besides in the first post I did write: as settings...
  14. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    Just testing it on another computer. It works fine. Took a minute or so to start the transfer but it's fine now.
  15. username1001101

    Bot on Linux

    The pro on Linux is that you can't waste so much time on gaming
  16. username1001101

    What did u get from the bot

    well, with auto-stashing and auto-trade-up script it's not that bad... but as long as that isn't implemented I have no need for the scrolls anymore. But you're right - everybody should decide on their own.
  17. or better to have it automagically find the correct paths At lest it should work for PoE since there's registry entries etc. And for the bot loader, just run the ahk from the same foldr as the loader is in...
  18. Hmmm, just having a look at the script. There's a lot of hardcoded paths inside which I think should be properly adjusted. For example you say PoE is in in (x86) which means you use a 64bit edition. However not everybody does so. Also the script and bot are on a d: partition. Not everyone uses different partitions. Or are those paths automagically updated to the current system where it's being run on and only the bot is required to be in a subfolder?
  19. username1001101

    Bot on Linux

    I'm pretty sure you meant to write FREEDOM and not price. I'd very much like to see a screencast of running poe win a VM on Linux. Also, it's of no importance what distro I use. Furthermore, I couldn't get PoE to run in VBox on Windows host either. Only on VmWare. Were you able to run it in VBox (either on Win or *nix host)? Are you running *nix on a desktop or a on notebook?
  20. username1001101

    What did u get from the bot

    672 wisdom scrolls = 1 jewllers 672 wisdom scrolls = 17 inventory spaces I prefer to get uniques instead of wasting inventory spaces for wisdom scrolls
  21. username1001101

    Bot on Linux

    Linux doesn't suck Linux make the internet go round and round
  22. username1001101

    Bot on Linux

    won't work on linux... problems with d3d... tried it with vbox and vmware workstation.
  23. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    I don't have a freeze in the vms that I provide.
  24. username1001101

    A question about drop rate

    then you just have to kill them faster
  25. username1001101

    Prepared VM for Download

    I couldn't get it to work without flickering. Tried with win 7 Pro and activated Aero also in the VM. But it was still flickering. So I just went for home basic again becuase it saves disk space and resources. Preferreably I'd even go with XP but couldn't get PoE to run in the VM there.
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