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Everything posted by SupZerg

  1. Maintain key pressed.
  2. SupZerg

    Cyclone Help Needed

    Higher number means higher priority. Your main skill should be priority 1, other skills higher priorities with appropriate cooldown.
  3. Привет, убедись, что обе программы запущены от админа и ты выполнил все пункты из readme бота.
  4. Бот давно был обновлен. Убедись, что используешь последнюю версию. Если есть проблемы - распакуй архив заново и запусти с минимумом изменений в настройках.
  5. Use other programs like notepad. Or use it in normal mode.
  6. SupZerg

    Bot runs only 2sec and stop.

    Try clean install.
  7. SupZerg

    Bot still not updated?

    Bot works fine.
  8. You made something wrong. Try clean install with as little changes as possible.
  9. SupZerg

    Running maps only

    Try: Stash tabs: 1,2,3,4 Currencies: 4 Maps: 3 Lots of tabs may confuse bot. Currency tab (I mean premium currency tab) should always be the last one in the list. Why do you set Keep amount of maps in stash = 1? Have you made any changes in mapping ipd file?
  10. SupZerg

    BOT not running maps

    Uniq maps are not supported.
  11. Bot was updated just several hours ago. Try again.
  12. SupZerg

    Попробовать бота. Try bot

    Привет. Попробовать нельзя.
  13. Why would you need it? It's possible to run 20+ bots on one PC just using vmware workstation.
  14. SupZerg

    how to install the bot?

    Hi, there's: 1) Readme file 2) This forum with tons of information.
  15. SupZerg

    Help with Combat

    This means you messed up settings. FP doesn't need any special coniguration. D Just set max range to 10-15.
  16. SupZerg

    I am free user

    Dream about it
  17. SupZerg

    Do new accounts need VPN?

    Yes, it is likely to happen.
  18. SupZerg

    No Idea What I'm Doing

    Hi, first of all check Readme file and make sure you follow all steps.
  19. SupZerg

    VMWARE IP Address on guest only

    You need vpn or proxy.
  20. Cooldown is set in milliseconds.
  21. SupZerg

    Clicking the start button and it turns off.

    No, you need 2 licenses in such case.
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