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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Misery

  1. Misery


    It would be awesome that bot could talk to any1 and could sell items, yeah, kinda normal ha? Autodetect "Sell Items" coz If you have master with a different level or leyends, the "Sell Items" is not clicked...
  2. Misery

    Bot Trying To Sell

    Bot Stupid Mode trying to sell in HO Bot is trying to sell items to Zana, she is lvl 5, I think the bot is not clicking "Sell Items" is clicking another shet coz it shows a legend like speech history... Same happen always in act 4, Bot goes to "PETARUS AND VANJA" and stay there like stupid, start bot in act4 w/o enabling HO and happens 100% Bot version is 70d, game is normal. LOGS.zip
  3. Misery

    Bugs 17/04

    Bot stays in ACT4 Mer talking to "PETARUS AND VANJA" trying to sell and stays there for ever. In maps if bot finds master, talks to and stay there without passing the text. In hideout talk to all masters trying to sell, but master are not lvl 8 and when try to "Sell items" it clicks another thing. Pickit comes with bugs. Bot Version: 70c POE Version: normal Hideout on: Yes Zana in HO: Yes Map Enable: Yes Selected Zone: Dried Lake/Aqueduct, Mer Smart Pickit: Yes File: deleted
  4. Well this is easy, from "Currency Stash" take the amount of "Scroll of Wisdom" you configured If you are out of them in your inventory, because when the bot used all, it stucks.
  5. Misery

    Bugs 2016/10/03

    Hello to all, I'll put here the bugs I saw: (HIGH) The loop, bot goes there and back here, goes there = loop, u gotta do something with that. (LOW) Bot not always finishes the map. (VERY IMPORTANT) If this pages falls, the bot puts in stupid mode, dunno why it is always checking something with the page, at least do something like "if the page is fk up" then bot still working... (MEDIUM) Sometimes the chaos recipe doesn't work and the bot sells all in that stash, weird...
  6. OK, where can I get the "ExiledBot.exe"? Edit: Found it, it doesn't work with Steam
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