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Posts posted by jps42

  1. Follow these steps to determine setup issue vs bot issue -


    1. Download newest official version (v0.70b)

    2. Extract bot

    3. Do NOT change anything

    4. Set LMB to move only (Feet Icon) and Set RMB to Default Attack (Sword Icon)

    5. Place your character in A1N (Lioneye's Normal)

    6. Start Bot


    Bot should go to coast and attack mobs.


    Please report back after doing this.

    • Upvote 1

  2. Hello guys, i did it too but directx 9 can´t be installed on windows 10 :cry:  . Someone here with windows 10 can explain me how did he fixed the bot?


    Thank you


    Not sure what you mean?  I can run bot on Win 10 without issue.  You do need to run POE in DX9 mode though instead of DX11.

  3. It's the simplest thing I can think of that may allow me to stash items that I might be use to upgrade various character's gear.   I'm thinking if it's got at least 6 lines of mods, chances are it will be comparable or better than something from any of the characters I am building.


    Prob 99% of all rare items are vendor trash, having 6 mods doesn't necessarily mean they are good or better than others.  I've seen GG 4 mod rares with T1 rolls that you can craft for a great item, better to do the mod checks then.


    Actually it's just better to buy the item you need and not waste time on collecting mostly garbage.


    So I have been trying to make that bot would upgrade maps from normal quality to rare but does not do nothing. Could you help, do alchemy orbs have to be in same tab for him to do it ? Please look bellow how to fix it. Also a bonus question is there any way that bot would skip monsters with projectile shield and continue going ? because I am bow spec and gets frustrating when he tries to kill them. 

    // Map Tier setting
    [MapTier] >= "7" && [MapTier] <= "13" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // Map Rarity to Run (Uncommenting means Ignore)
    [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    // [Rarity] == "Rare" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    // [Rarity] == "Magic" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    [Rarity] == "Normal" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    // If you want to enable automatic quality upgrading
    [MapTier] >= "7" && [Quality] <= "16" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeQuality] == "true"
    // If you want to transmute or alch maps before running them. Be careful UpgradeToMagic and UpgradeToRare aren't compatible.
    [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToRare] == "true"
    // Use this to roll for a specific amount of Item Quantity **(DOES NOT INCLUDE QUANTITY FROM QUALITY)**
    // [map_item_drop_quantity_+%] < "20" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- ITEM QUANTITY   -- Total Item Quantity of the ** MAP MODS ONLY ** 
    // If you want to run Sacrifices, just uncomment following lines. Don't forget to comment first General Settings line ([MapTier] >= "1" && [MapTier] < "3" # [RunMap] == "true"),
    // to be sure that bot will run only Sacrifices.
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dusk" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dawn" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Noon" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Midnight" # [RunMap] == "true"



    Read the maprunner guide in my sig.

  5. Also with Beach, its buggy since months if not years.


    Honestly - I cant believe it will be fixed.


    Beach was only released with Atlas, not years even months, but it something us mods have all bitched about.


    I've also never seen tropical island ever really work right.

  6. Currently the only way to go on atlas progression it to edit each commented line manually. It would be nice if the bot could recognize that there are open spots on the atlas. I ran the bot for several days on a new account and it only did about  5 different maps the whole time. This is with pretty much all maps enabled.

    Regards and constructive criticism appreciated


    I asked the same question on the other comment you posted - Did you have bot upgrade maps to magic?

  7. People give other people unique items all the time for free in one way trades.  More specifically, most uniques are very low worth, and rares are harder to price out, so moving item to your main shouldn't flag it.  Moving tons of currency... maybe, that's why many ppl use mules.


    If your super paranoid, trade up all currency through your bot, sell a rare item from ur main to ur bot for the currency.

  8. The bot tells me to do new configs every version, and I do it. It's pretty tedious to redo every setting, and edit pickit. How do you guys deal with it?


    Btw how to stop the bot from doing master missions on dried lake?


    If it is the same general version (ex v0.69) I just copy the ipd and ini files over.  If it gets wonky, I'll go back and redo it from scratch.


    Is accidentally activating master missions really an issue?

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