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Everything posted by heisenburger

  1. heisenburger

    Ideal pc build for 20+ VMware and exiled bot runs?

    Unless you can buy Amazon Cloud IPs in bulk and assign one to each of your bots, I guess you'll need to find/pay for VPN as usual. Either way your accounts will look suspicious as hell, but I'm still entertained by this idea.
  2. heisenburger

    Ideal pc build for 20+ VMware and exiled bot runs?

    Very interesting. Even if it's feasible, once enough people do it, GGG will catch on and flag EC2 IPs. Just like VM+VPN, pretty safe until it became popular.
  3. The bot would spend the whole "max run time" to kill summoned skeletons that come from shrines and totems. The bot doesn't give these mobs a low priority like it does to other summoned mobs. Sometimes the bot gets lucky and activates the shrine or kills the totem, but most of the times it just gets stuck in an endless loop of killing... A fix would be much appreciated.
  4. heisenburger

    0.53f Stuck while stashing

    Or restarting the bot. Maybe for now we just need a script that restarts the bot/client when something's stuck
  5. Since reading logs is easier than reversing, such a log might give rise to more player-made scripts, like flask scripts, combat scripts based on mobs, alert scripts that play sounds when a master/waypoint is nearby, etc. Example log output: 5:00 [health]=4250/5000; [mana]=0/0; [area]="dried lake"; [current_mob]="voll"; [master_is_near]="no"; [waypoint_is_near]="no" 5:01 [health]=3000/5000; [mana]=0/0; [area]="dried lake"; [current_mob]="something_else"; [master_is_near]="no"; [waypoint_is_near]="no"
  6. heisenburger

    0.53f Stuck while stashing

    It's an interesting bug. Does stashing use the same code in/out of the hideout? Funny how this happens only in the h/o.
  7. heisenburger

    0.53f Back and forth running in h/o

    Same problem in 0.54f. A rare problem that's not easy to reproduce.
  8. heisenburger

    Fishing bot??????

    Clearly you need a better fishing rod. I have one for sale. Only 9000ex. PM for details.
  9. heisenburger

    Use instant flasks instantly

    Thanks for checking in. While you're at it, please consider this new flask system that probably takes less work because it doesn't require the bot to detect flask types. When the hp is low, it helps to take many types of flasks instantly at the same time. It'd be nice if each flask slot has an independent hp trigger, and each flask has the option to be used instantly when the hp is low. This means the global hp trigger can be removed. Instead, add an hp trigger to each flask slot. Example: Global delay: 4s Slot 1 & 2: HP below: 70% Recovery time: 4s Ignore "global delay": No (will wait for 4s before using another flask) Slot 3 4 5: HP below: 35% Recovery time: 0.1s Ignore "global delay": Yes If "ignore global delay=true", then the bot is forced to wait 0.01s (set by user) before using another flask (this prevents the bot from pressing 3 4 5 at the same time) In this example, if your HP is below 70%, the bot uses #1 and waits. If your HP drops below 35%, the bot uses 3,4,5 instantly almost at the same time. If your HP stays between 35-70%, the bot waits for 4s before taking another flask.
  10. If the hp is lower than x%, the bot should ignore "overall flask delay" and use an instant flask immediately. The problem now is the bot would wait for the "overall delay" to expire before using an instant flask. Suggestion: if a flask slot has an instant flask, then this flask should not be affected by the "overall delay", so we can use it as soon as hp is lower than x%.
  11. It'd be nice to be able to run away from the mobs when your HP is low, and it'd be even nicer to use a skill or specified flask at the same time. Example: your hp is below 30%. You can choose to run, keep fighting, use a skill, use a specific flask. These are all optional, so it should keep everyone happy. Alk please think about implementing this feature some time.
  12. heisenburger

    0.53f Back and forth running in h/o

    Similar problem posted here: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6065-053f-stuck-while-stashing/ Just pasting it here: The bot kept switching between stash tabs while trying to use transmutation on a map. I restarted the bot and everything was fine again. This rarely happens, and it seems to happen only when hideout mapping is enabled. 2015-10-26 18:11:02 [info] -> Loading stash tab... 2015-10-26 18:11:02 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 2... 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 3... 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Currency not found !! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Loading stash tab... 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 2... 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 3... 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Currency not found !!
  13. heisenburger

    0.53f Stuck while stashing

    The bot kept switching between stash tabs while trying to use transmutation on a map. I restarted the bot and everything was fine again. This rarely happens, and it seems to happen only when hideout mapping is enabled. 2015-10-26 18:11:02 [info] -> Loading stash tab... 2015-10-26 18:11:02 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 2... 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 3... 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Currency not found !! 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Loading stash tab... 2015-10-26 18:11:03 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 2... 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 3... 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 is full!! 2015-10-26 18:11:04 [info] -> Currency not found !!
  14. heisenburger

    bot "stops" working suddenly, please help

    what?! I did't know that. Thanks for bringing it up.
  15. heisenburger

    0.53e attacking air

    Call me paranoid, but you should probably cover up your flasks and skills too. I've seen this bug for a while too. The bot attacks thin air when there're no mobs nearby, but it doesn't happen often.
  16. Is it not optional now? Just use "esc+exit" instead of portals?
  17. heisenburger

    Stashing shard

    Stashing shards can save some inventory space. It makes sense. Another low priority feature, but I hope alk will implement it some day.
  18. I don't think the bot can stash fragments, but doing so would be a good idea. These pesky fragments are a waste of inventory space.
  19. heisenburger

    VPN Service

    This is pretty cool. Who's your ISP? People usually pay for $40-50/mo for residential VPN accounts. This looks like a great deal.
  20. If your IIR/Q is high, you have to ignore most rares or quickly run out of map portals. It's a problem even if you target only lvl 60+ rares. Can you consider making an option to identify rare items on the battlefield? Here's an example bot logic: 1. Pick up items as usual. 2. If inventory is full and no mobs nearby, open inventory and identify all items. 3. Throw away all useless items. 4. Back to 1. A potential problem is you might die while identifying items, but I think the trade-off is worth it.
  21. We used either vps or multiple ISP accounts and read papers on vm stealth. All failed. Maybe some pro out there knows how to do it right, but we've never seen anyone last 1 month+ past lvl90+ in a vm.
  22. While you're at it, also try assigning 2 cores to your VM and increasing the pagefile size in your virtual os (optimal size depends on your hardware). I rarely froze after that.
  23. heisenburger

    Forum Question: users with unclickable names

    Ah, mystery solved. At least now we know "ghost" = "banned", and users can still be tagged as "scammer" like this guy (also a ghost): https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/4752-9-characters-16-stash-tabs-unobtainable-armor-sets-80-crit-arcer-35-today-only/
  24. How come we can't click on some of the user names? Examples: paulham https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5778-wtb-orbs-on-ex-standardwill-pay-11-for-each/ gamemaste789 https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1389-please-read-before-posting/
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