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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by banguy

  1. So thats your max run time and idle time there? and 80% of map exploration is good enough? I'll use ur figures and give it a try, thx immo. Im pretty sure its not eb tools also, but your the super pro here, so i'll ask you
  2. banguy


    default, didnt change that, it was running towards monsters when i see it logout tho.
  3. Thats what I did actually, I will try few more times, thx immo. Theres another problem with the bot, sometimes it just logout at full hp then login and continue the same map, any idea whats wrong?
  4. banguy


    I notce the bot chicke?ns for no reason (logout at full hp) then log back in and do the same map. Anyone have a fix?
  5. I dont think i fully understand you. Let say I want the bot to start at 12 end at 4. Then start at 5 and at 8, how should I set it?
  6. Yes i did, time is not the problem, i saved the settings after i set the time also. Does the bot exit right at that time or will it finish the map its running? Do I need to check enable and scheduled also? The two options under Autostart.
  7. how does the scheduler work? i put in start time and end time, but it still kept going after the end time
  8. Where to configure switching zones/maps in exile bot itself? Also what should I put in pop3server in the eb tools, I used aol mail as u recommended.
  9. When I start it, it chose a map and try to put in bag, but it doesnt open the bag, so it was at the screen where u keep or destroy the item on your cursor. Also it keeps on going back to login screen every 10seconds, Im not sure what the problem is.
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