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Everything posted by dynastyo

  1. dynastyo


    Welcome and good luck with the bot
  2. dynastyo

    bot stops working as soon as i enter area?

    Maybe wrong aura/golem setup. Post ur last 10 lines of lastrun.log when he stands still
  3. dynastyo

    Start bot -> no reaction

    its not a perfect solution, but try to let the bot start poe on his own. add poe path in client tab and press start bot while poe is closed. was a solution for some ppl back then. if that does not help delete all c++ stuff install c++ 2010 and see if it helps
  4. dynastyo

    Bot Can't enter the northern forest wp

    yeh, seen it aswell. told alk about it. will be fixed soon i guess
  5. dynastyo

    Probleme mit dem Bot

    @avalon Na aber!!! nur in der shoutbox englisch, sonst gibts ein riesen chaos.
  6. dynastyo

    Probleme mit dem Bot

    hey, also du hast ihm gesagt er soll in eine bestimmte ini (region) in act2 normal gehen. und dann bleibt er direkt stehen? höchstwarscheinlich hast du im bot eine aura eingestellt, welche in poe aber nicht eingestellt ist. das ist zumindest der häufigste grund für deinen bug. ansonsten poste mal die letzten 20 zeilen aus deiner lastun.log dort findet man eigentlich immer den ursprung von solchen fehlern. gruß dyna
  7. dynastyo

    Start bot -> no reaction

    u run poe vanilla? did u install this stuff?: REQUIREMENTS FOR USING THE BOT: Direct X http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=8109 Visual C++ x86 2010 http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=5555 Visual C++ x64 (if using a x64 bit OS) http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=14632 Run in 800*600 Resolution what does your lastrun.log say?
  8. dynastyo

    Cannot attach on processes

    As far as i know it needs to be attached to a 32 bit app. And the app/process u attach it to needs to be the active window. (U can activate it after attaching)
  9. dynastyo

    Vendor and recipe in exiled bot

    U need to activate "smart pickit". The default one works fine. U can edit it for ur needs ofc.
  10. dynastyo

    Blood Rage

    Id go the same way leheup told u, range needs to be the highest, 100 should be eneugh tho Priority needs to be the highest aswell, simply go 10 Cooldown depends on ur skill effect duration. If its 16s duration make cooldown 15000 And i would link it with faster casting and increased duration if u have the slots free. Did they change blood rage? I guess u gain attack speed with higher level aswell. If u dont need that cwdt is a awesome solution ofc.
  11. Who are you talking to? I just pinned it cause theres a approach to make cyclone work with a reply that tells us, thats its working. We dont wanna argue about tooltip dps here. Lets see if others can make it work that way... Or not.
  12. dynastyo

    0.50e bug

    U guys know a good place where alk can go hunt them? Monster level/specific area?
  13. dynastyo

    Mirror @_@

    0 from tons of bots running 1 year.
  14. dynastyo

    Building a new rig...

    U wont see a difference on 32 and 64 gig ram imo If u wanna edit some 4k videos in premiere while botting go for it. Otherwise i dont see any reason to create such an overkill machine
  15. dynastyo

    Aug.Map Request

    i like that request. alk? possible?
  16. dynastyo

    how to avoid getting banned?

    getting new accs up isnt that easy. my #1 rule is not 2 level 2 fast. new accs are supposed to be noobs, let them die ^^ dont let them farm specific areas all over again i also got a acc banned day1 of 2.0. he was farming broken bridge for like 1 hour thats all.... no vpn. dynamic ip.... on new accs its all about luck i was running that one on main os. my vm bots are all fine somehow....
  17. dynastyo


    hey man, hf over here!
  18. dynastyo

    how to setup bot use skill only

    hey man, id love to help u, but i have troubles understanding what u up to. best way would be to explain us more detailed, what ur actual problem is. if you have difficulties in english its not an issue at all. write it down in your language and use https://translate.google.com/ we are really willing to help u, but with this few information its not possible for us. greetings
  19. dynastyo

    [Guide] Ranged attacks setup

    Nice input man! A little diff to my personal solution. but who knows whats better! Gonna try in on my ranger as soon as my fucking pc works again
  20. While botting limit fps to 30 with dxtory. It prevents lags/spikes that let the bot to stupid shit
  21. dynastyo

    [Solved]Skill/Combat Issue.

    this it not the solution, but i see some troubles in ur skill config: at first distance calculation changed big time: melee skill range sould be like 0-15/20 range skill range should be like 0-50 then u want to have left click always on walk only. put ur left click stuff on middle mouse and then im really sorry but im a poe 2.0 noob. for now id set enduring cry on a really low range cause u need to have monsters around to get some effect dont u? so like enduring cry (W): priority 10 range 0-15 cooldown 5000 Vigilant Strike (middle mouse):priority 9 range 0-15 cooldown 5000 main attack (right mouse): priority 1 range 0-15 dunno if enduring cry builds up a charge if theres no monster around, if then u can put range to like 0 - 50 maybe it helps good luck
  22. dynastyo

    Bot Update request - 2.0.0e steam not work !!!

    U should seperate them from steam! Google has more info on that
  23. dynastyo

    Add Act4 Map

    bot never supported any maps that dont have a wp. but hes aware that many of us want it and hes on it! dunno if it works out tho
  24. dynastyo

    v0.50 sell items loop

    whats ur fps limit? if its on 20, try 30.
  25. dynastyo


    Afaik trading section is just for donators....
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