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Everything posted by dynastyo

  1. dynastyo

    for speed farmer like me

    that would be so awesome, same problem here
  2. dynastyo

    hideout selling to master

    i have just 1 master in my ho, zana, my bot hits sell button 100%. had the same problem with more than 1 master in ho
  3. dynastyo

    poe map hack?

    i never used one of these maphacks, how du they work, are they save?
  4. dynastyo

    [0.25 RC] First loot bug encountered - cycle

    i activate always highlight for that, no change of loot location on the ground
  5. dynastyo

    WTS 91 Witch Incinerator $30.00

    30$ with a 6L cod? + 20/20 gems? thats cheap bro!
  6. dynastyo

    CTRL key issue

    i guess u use multiscript, activate "Suspend Hotkeys" in tray Icon. that should solve it
  7. never got any movement skill really working, leap slam a bit, but not worth it. best thing to go is 2 quicksilver flasks + guruds multiscript, imo
  8. if u wanna sommon some play SRS, skeletons/zombies/spectres wont work, at least i could not figure it out.
  9. dynastyo

    Ground Effects, Rerolling Mods On Loop

    damn, i didnt mean pickit, i ment maps config mine works fine with shocking and desecrated gound disabled, check it out.
  10. dynastyo

    Ground Effects, Rerolling Mods On Loop

    hm cant find any mistake there, pretty hard tho cause idk where uve been changing stuff u can uncomment ground effects in XeroKill suffixes heres my config, wrong mods i guess but works without rerolling for me, try it to check if its the pickit fault.
  11. dynastyo

    Ground Effects, Rerolling Mods On Loop

    Bot Keeps on rerolling Maps when u made some mistake in config. Like deleted one [ by accident while deleting // for e.g.. Rerolling mods work Fine for me. Mistake Must be on You, Check Ur config. Hope i could help
  12. dynastyo

    Arc witch build

    check my facebreaker guide, works well with a crap vest and 4L abyssus, supercheap
  13. dynastyo

    Arc witch build

    main problem with ranged attacks are proximity shields + mobs that are not triggered yet (like in library). bot fails completely on them. u can solve it by making 2 arc attacks like right click + q. right click (priority 10 ; range 0-100) q (priority 1 ; range 101-400 ; Cooldown X) the cooldown of X depends on ur cast speed, it needs to be a bit above ur cast time that ur char comes a bit closer to the enemy each attack. i played arc + arc totem once, totem is a simple solution for proximity shields but does not trigger mobs. + getting the right cooldown + prioritys is a pain in the ass make ur build life based not ci, bot works fine with pots. use a lvl1 cwdt lightning warp!!! and dont try it hardcore, ull die 100% if u wanna make it new lueague u should try it now in standart or rampage, to get a feeling for the bot setup i hope i could help a bit
  14. i use multiscript for chicken and bot recasts aura every time after he chickens. mayb try that
  15. dynastyo

    Quicksilver Flask

    hi, u should use multiscript: https://github.com/Guruds/PoE_MultiScript theres a thread here in forum about it aswell, its awesome. u need to "Suspend Hotkeys" in tray icon of multiscript once its started. and dont forget to disable flasks and chicken in bot, multiscript does it way better
  16. dynastyo

    Bot stuck in town with Flask on cursor

    iv had like tons of bugs aswell. was botting from a3m cause i was 2 lazy to set up a hideout. i set up a hideout and tried botting from there... had still bugs. then i kicked every master exept zana, all (ALL!) stuff except map device. i put stash next to WP, zana and map device not 2 close to WP/Stash but still in screen that bot sees it. since then i had no more talking to maramoa, no flasks in hand, no chisels in map device, no rings from stash in inv. bot works like a charm for me now. imo main problem is alks focus on hideout botting made normal botting pretty buggy. hope that helps some of u
  17. well alk is pretty smart, the bot ignores invincible mobs and attacks the totem/rare mob. ofc with srs its really bad, thats why i made 2 srs attacks. one with cooldown and one with just 200 range. like that the bot walks up to 200 to the totem and casts spirits, even if they dont attack the totem, the splash range is big eneugh to destroy it. your cwdt set works like a charm had the bot just running 70-73 maps, evil mods disabled (ty for the awesome new list!!!): Runs 83 Chickens 0
  18. i made this thread up just to show whats possible and how it might be done, ofc its not perfect and other builds are way better for botting. @Ash: i will @TadaceAce: good CWDT idear!!! but what do u mean by vaal totems? the "allies cannot die" totems? bot works fine on them 200 range is close eneugh to kill them with melee splash.
  19. I just tested the Bot with a SRS build and it works pretty nice imo. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZHJdGzX7_k Build: I used http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1029967 Gear: as shown in build i use: 5L +2 Fire gems Staff with: Summon Raging Spirit, Spell Echo, Multistrike, Melee Splash, Increased Item Quantity IIR gear; Goldwyrm, Andvarius, Aurseize just 4K hp, instant pots ftw! Skill Setup: (SKILLS CONFIG FILE OUTDATED CAUSE OF RANGE CHANGES!!!!) Left Mouse: Move Only Right Mouse: SRS (Range 0-20) Middle Mouse: SRS (Range 21-50 Cooldown 400 Priority 5) Q: Arctic Armour W: Flesh Offering (Range 0-40 Cooldown 3000 Priority 10) E: Aura R: Aura T: Aura thats it for the beginning. ofc course its not the most efficient way to bot but it works and is kinda fun to look at
  20. @jrinkerx will add a config for this later this evening @cyning it can run 66-69 maps easy without op gear. after that it depends on map. for farming i'd just go for 66maps anyways, i get way more loot than farming library with that build.
  21. dynastyo

    [Solution] Rerolling Mods On Loop

    i dont get ur post ash, should he have added a "© by Ash"? ty for writing down ashs knowledge for all of us deityslayer
  22. dynastyo

    Mapping form hideout .

    i dont think theres a need to hang out in hideout, id miss the coticeboard and clarissa there
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