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    I am using:
    Bot Version: 0.73e
    Poe Version: Steam
    Hideout on: Yes
    Zana in HO: Yes
    Map Enabled: Yes
    Selected Zone: The Desecrated Chambers
    Smart Pickit: No
  • Bug description: Hi guys, i have problem . My bot does not close tabs(such as U tab, inventory tab) and it clicks on this tabs and cant move(coz he clicked on tabs ground instead)

  • Logs 2018-01-10 18:13:15 [info] -> Selecting area...
    2018-01-10 18:13:20 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:20 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:20 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:20 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:20 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:21 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:21 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:21 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:22 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:22 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:22 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:22 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:23 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:23 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:23 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:23 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:23 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:23 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:24 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow.
    2018-01-10 18:13:24 [info] -> Running state priority: 12
    2018-01-10 18:13:24 [info] -> Moving to position(1472.826050, 1461.956543). State Priority: 12, Path index: 0
    2018-01-10 18:13:27 [info] -> Exiting bot

and this is so much times till i dont turn off it

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Also as a Side note you should use Smart pickit. the forcesell does a good job as is, and you can get the updated version from 


its updated for abyss.

going off SupZerg reset key bindings to default just to be safe


Edited by MasterOfSilence

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