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Very strange bug

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 It all started with the fact that I created a second account and made a full copy of the virtual machine, including bot settings and later found such a bug.

1) The account differs only in the number of tabs in the chest.

2) The character is completely identical.

3)  The bot settings are identical.

4)  Complete installation and configuration of everything from scratch does not give anything.

5)  I tried to buy the tabs for the chest, but it did not help.

6)  The error happens only in the tab with the maps.

7) This error seems to be somehow related to the maps of Gorge, Chateau and possibly other low-level maps.

8)  Maybe it happened on the first bot, although I did not notice it, but it did not hit the low-level cards for a long time, although in the chest there is a whole tab completely filled with them.
I really need help with this.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.



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its stuck trying to go to stash tab 7(probably to check it has currency to upgrade the map)

Try putting you currency tab before you map tab ingame so it can load the currency tab before the maps

Make your Map Tab part of your stash tabs Also

so make it look like Chaos tab, stash tab, stash tab, stash tab, stash tab, stash tab, Map tab, Map tab, Currency tab (Double check this i am rather tired)

Also generally i have issue copying VM's so I found it best to just manually recreate one from scratch. Including installing Frameworks, directX, the onyl thing you want to copy over is the .ggpk

Also only 1 chaos tab is really needed. I've only ever ran out of space after 3-4 days nonstop(unchecked) botting with 5 storage tabs 1 currency, 3 map, 1 chaos and the chaos tab never fills up.

Edited by MasterOfSilence

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Stash settings are wrong. You should list ALL stash tabs you want bot to use in "Stash tabs" field. Currency tab should be the last.

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