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Exiled bot review ??

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If possible i would like users to share their experience using this bot. Can anyone tell me its pros and cons ? 

Can you farm maps with it, earn some currency ?

Does it lock your computer so you cant run it in background ?

I couldn't find any good reviews or videos of it, so i decided to ask here. Thanks :)

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it takes over the Mouse so it's recommended to use a VM.

You can farm maps none stop easily. I earn 300+ chaos pure a day with 1 character not including about ~200 fus 1-2 exa, on 1 character that i spent maybe 3 ex at start of league gearing

This league via botting only currency i've made 14 6 link items nettting me over ~100ex profit

It offers a Lifetime license option which no other bot does at the cost of being slightly less fancy.

only 4 account banned in 4 years.

one was a 24/7 botting account that went nearly nonstop for 1 yhear before it was banned

3 were level 30-40 accounts that got banned after about 3 months

since that one 24/7 account got banned 3 years ago no bans since

Other Bots offer higher currency/hour but at the cost of being much much more bot like

usually when a big patch drops(3.1 for example) it can take Alk(big boss) 2-3 days to get basic botting back and as much as a week for full functionality

so Pros
Less likely to be banned(have you seen all the bot videos on reddit, this bot doesn't do that)
Lifetime license
2-3 day update time with major patches
lower profit at the cost of more safety
Decent learning curve

I do not RMT so that also probably why i've not been caught yet. half the botter's I know who get banned a lot have a lot of bots running and RMT, so do with that what you will.

I know eventually i'll get caught but I pray thats a few years down the road.

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