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Pickit for Abyss Items

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As I see it, in it's current condition the bot misses all the cool imba shaper/elder items..

How do I add them to my pickit? Is there a syntax for the "is supported by lvl. 20.. skill"


Thx for your help

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someone will need to find shaper/elder items and inventory drop all the mods(if they can be dropped) and then add them to a pickit..lots of work.

the unique items as well but easier but still work.

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39 minutes ago, MasterOfSilence said:

someone will need to find shaper/elder items and inventory drop all the mods(if they can be dropped) and then add them to a pickit..lots of work.

the unique items as well but easier but still work.

with forcesell anything unique related will be picked up regardless.

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8 hours ago, stef said:

with forcesell anything unique related will be picked up regardless.

issue wwith that still is a handful of the new unique bases hav e other uniques that are sold already


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Looking forward for a fix for this. I think we are missing a lot of value in botting if you do it for profit. And that lowers the money income for future bot investments <hint> devs <hint> :D

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