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RfE: Lower "Open Strongbox" Priority

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with the current Mayhem Race League some of the behavior of the bot becomes more clear and maybe there is some way to improve:

With more then 20 Strongboxes on a map(even more then one on a screen) the bot keeps opening strongbox before even looting or cleaing up the area right next to him.


So as i get it "Opening Strongboxes" > "Looting". Is there a reason why this cant be swapped? I mean opening strongboxes is always a risk of dying, looting not. So why not first do the looting, then if nothing else is ready for pick up anymore keep going/open the available strongboxes.




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I feel like this would be a nice thing to add for customization in the bot setting. Not add it to the UI but add it to the system.ini

with priorities 1-6

Unique Monsters - 1
Monsters - 2
Loot - 3
Container - 4
Breakable - 5
StrongBox - 6

so users can change it if they want too

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14 hours ago, MasterOfSilence said:

I feel like this would be a nice thing to add for customization in the bot setting. Not add it to the UI but add it to the system.ini

with priorities 1-6

Unique Monsters - 1
Monsters - 2
Loot - 3
Container - 4
Breakable - 5
StrongBox - 6

so users can change it if they want too

But this again is some kind of new development and yes, maybe a nice ideal but i think it is a low priority Enhancement.


As i don't know how the bot is coded i can only guess what it is like and there i'm asking if it needs to be "Open Strongboxes" has higher priority then looting.

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As i have checked the priority state list on 


Running state priority: 25    ->     PICKUP   
Running state priority: 26    ->     OPEN CHEST   

normally the pickup has a higher priority then "Open chest" (but i'm not sure if open chest is really also strongboxes or is it only those small chests?!? Else i can not find what Strongboxes are listed as..Monolith? Shrine?)



Edited by vigaro

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around .67 or so one of the Devs changed the strongbox/container priority back during Legacy league(95% of the time perandus containers were left behind) so its possible that changing that is what caused this.

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