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BOT stopping

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Hi, please help me guys, I don't know what's wrong with my bot. It always stops randomly. here's my last log. 

does this happens also with you guys?

can I do anything to solve this issue? thanks


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For the Stuck in HO.Town it seems like its an issue with Tab detection. i check my lastrun and see that the bot is stuck becasuse it thinks the chaos recipe tab is full when its really on the wrong tab (and that tab isnt even full)

Current workaround is the set up a 30 minutes restartcmd prompt.


@echo off
echo Time to wait
timeout /t 1800 /nobreak
taskkill /im PathOfExile.exe
echo Loop One
goto start

What I use.

Edited by MasterOfSilence
mo infro

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2 hours ago, MasterOfSilence said:

For the Stuck in HO.Town it seems like its an issue with Tab detection. i check my lastrun and see that the bot is stuck becasuse it thinks the chaos recipe tab is full when its really on the wrong tab (and that tab isnt even full)

Current workaround is the set up a 30 minutes restartcmd prompt.


@echo off
echo Time to wait
timeout /t 1800 /nobreak
taskkill /im PathOfExile.exe
echo Loop One
goto start

What I use.

so you restart poe ever 30 mins ?..hm, does sound a bit strange..

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12 hours ago, MasterOfSilence said:

For the Stuck in HO.Town it seems like its an issue with Tab detection. i check my lastrun and see that the bot is stuck becasuse it thinks the chaos recipe tab is full when its really on the wrong tab (and that tab isnt even full)

Current workaround is the set up a 30 minutes restartcmd prompt.


@echo off
echo Time to wait
timeout /t 1800 /nobreak
taskkill /im PathOfExile.exe
echo Loop One
goto start

What I use.

If it's really the stash detection issue check my post on it in this topic, it solved the problem for the other user

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Edited by Cowding

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