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What controls distance to use skill at vs. move towards monster

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I'm having some trouble with the combat settings, and think it's because I don't quite understand this.


So if a mob is 25 units away:

attack with priority 10, but it says "max distance 20" - is it skipped, or does this make the bot move towards the monster?

- if it's skipped from distance, attack with priority 9 but max distance 35 would then go?

- if it's skipped, how would I make the bot get closer sometimes then?

Also what is "min distance" for - why would I not want to use a skill because monsters are too close?  Does this mostly just help with "kite" mode so it will run instead of using skills?

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As far as I know, the bot goes through all skills all the time, starting with highest prio, until it finds one to use, with moving being lowest prio. So in your example, your prio 10 skill will almost never trigger, because the bot will stop moving and use your prio 9. Only when the monster moves to you and get in range, your priority 10 skill will get used. You can use pack size or target (all, magic, rare, unique) to tweak it a bit, or even power/frenzy/endurance charges. Or use cooldown. Depends on why you want some skills with a 35 distance and some 20.

As for min distance, in most cases you can ignore that. However, something like spectral throw, could benefit from it on single target for example, since it does multiple attacks when it hangs still and changes direction. Or I think molten strike you never want to be on the monster, since the damage only starts a bit outside your cast zone. And plenty more uses in the right setup.

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Thanks :)

With my build currently, I have shield charge + fortify on a 2.5s cooldown, but it often waits ~6 seconds, using other lower priority skills.  My other thought was that the bot "presses" that key but other actions were already queued by the game so it just isn't registered.

Any idea if adding a short cooldown to all skills (50-100ms) might help with the poe client missing "spammed" skills?

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