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When will the version available to everyone?

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when will the version available to everyone? bot liked this because to be totally free, and now you guys do it! 1 week already without the bot for those who have not paid

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It is worth it to donate and support the developers of the program that you like. Exiled-Bot is a reliable botting community where you can obtain alot of help and information.

Just ask in the chatbox above. You know that your $20 won't go to waste when the developers are active and online every day plus you have members who are willing to contribute and make the site a better place.

Your donation keeps the site running and allows the developers to keep being operational, coding can be a hassle at times and it can be a full time job.

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It is worth it to donate and support the developers of the program that you like. Exiled-Bot is a reliable botting community where you can obtain alot of help and information.

Just ask in the chatbox above. You know that your $20 won't go to waste when the developers are active and online every day plus you have members who are willing to contribute and make the site a better place.

Your donation keeps the site running and allows the developers to keep being operational, coding can be a hassle at times and it can be a full time job.


and the long break between release and new bot version comes from all those changes to the client.

but as it seems the bot is finally up for everyone again.

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