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About JulinhoooO

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  1. JulinhoooO

    exiledbot pickit flask with Q

    Use [Category] == "Flask" && [Quality] >=5 # [stashItem] == "True" I'm using, and work fine.
  2. JulinhoooO

    2 bugs,microtransactions out instead of logout and stashing

    but how do I set the coordinates of the stash? in cordinates.cfg I did not think, just found this thread regarding stashing? [stashing] inventory_icon_x = 157 inventory_icon_y = 535 = 134 stash_tab_x stash_tab_y = 81 stash_tab_offset_x = 32 player_inventory_top_x = 452 player_inventory_top_y = 340 player_inventory_offset = 3 but without the coordinates of stash
  3. I'm with 2 bugs First: The chicken is not working because the bot is clicking microtransactions out instead of logout Second: Stashing this also not worked because the bot clicks the wrong place, clicking on the guild stash
  4. when will the version available to everyone? bot liked this because to be totally free, and now you guys do it! 1 week already without the bot for those who have not paid
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