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A collection of Bugs

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Hi there,

the Bot works great, and i love him but there are still many problems/bugs, we have to handle with - the crazy thing is, what i have read here in forums, some got these bugs - some not.

Well if its necessary, my system configuration is : I run the Bot on a VM with Windows 7 32 bit on a second monitor - its a fresh installed machine with nothing else on it excecpt PoE, Bot (without any user scripts or something), DirextX and Framework.

anyway these are the problems, which i mean some of these should be have number-one priority so that we can use fully-afkable :

1. Before the "b" version of 0.11 the bot sometimes after he finish Docks ran to Maramoa for some small talks. Now with "b" version, he dont wanna talk to Maramoa anymore - but he still runs there and shows him now about 10 times how he can run from left to right next to him. After that the Bot pauses and does nothing anymore. No chicken nothing. Waited about 15 minutes. (this is happening about 2 from 10 times)

2. That problem with the chests, which i mentioned before in a other thread. Because sometimes if there are 5 barrels (as an example) on one spot. And the bot tries to open the rear one instead of the front one and cant reach it, he just do nothing and stuck. Also happens often in Docks, because there are many barrels there. A solution would be here, like i said - make this option more configurable. not just "chests" generally and he opens everything barrels, rocks and .... a underoption here would be great, so everyone can choose by himself, if he also want barrels or stones or whatever. (this us happening also 2 from 10 times in docks)

3. the problem when the bot cant choose if he walks right or left to just go around a object. often happens on buildings, stairways, corners or generally there where are multiple "floors" - like in docks or sarns. cant count anymore how often i had to pause the bot to move him manually. dont know how tricky this here is i am not a developer - but i think we need that fixed soon.

4. auras - my bot dont cast any aura, tried already every skill button - and yes i have marked "is aura". after the bot is on a map he walks about 10 meter, hits 1-2 times in the air (which was made for the gem leveling bug i know) - but after that nothing he just ignore to cast aura. no creeps here and nothing (sarns waypoint). like i said before - the crazy thing here is some has this bug, some not dont know why.

the logs say :

2013-10-23 09:25:37 [info] -> Selecting area
2013-10-23 09:25:40 [info] -> Selecting area
2013-10-23 09:25:41 [info] -> Leveling Gems
2013-10-23 09:25:45 [info] -> Casting aura
2013-10-23 09:25:47 [info] -> Casting aura
2013-10-23 09:25:48 [info] -> Idling...
but he dont casting them!

4b. in docks i saw him sometimes casting this aura - IF (!) no creeps where near waypoint which almost never is. so, i think it would be great if the bot would cast first the auras, then walk this 10 meter and after that his airhits. so its guaranteed he dont run into mobs and forget after to cast his auras.

5. Bot crash - the second night this already happened with the new "b" version. before with older versions, the bot ran over and over 24/7 without crashes. all i know here is - if i went to sleep and shut down the monitor i can be sure 2 min later the bot crashes with the default windows prompt (stopped responding bla bla).

6. item loot - the bot doesnt loot everything and because of that i nearly miss to loot a unique siege axe .... but for my luck i was on the pc - means if his inventory is nearly full he ports straight back let the loot behind - in town he stashs all and after that he go into a new id - but why? is there not something like a "memory function" - and if there was more loot before on the map he goes through tp instead of a new id. this would be really nice.

7. stuck if there are many items on the ground - did not happening often, but i saw him already sometimes that he completly stuck if i kill as example a rogue plus blue pack or something more at one spot. if there then too much items on the ground the bot cant pickup anything - i just saw how the cursor is moving in slow motion over and over, over the items but nothing happens. normally he pick the items after few seconds, but if there many items on the gorund (i play with high quantity for more orbs) he doesnt take any of them - and chickens out at some point.

8. another stuck situation : it already happend to me over 5 times (which i saw). if i am fighting with many mobs at once (like in the forest) - if there a huge pack of this apes, and i bring them to explode with infernal blow and no one is left - after the fight the bot just stands there longer doing continually airhits until he chickens out after some time. Dont know how to better explain.

hope my english is not too bad and understandable.

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0. always state, which bot version ur running while writing the post. since its actually changing alot ;)

1. happened alot in 0.11c RC3. now with RC4 it still happens, but not rly often.

2. more configuration wont help. had chests switched off and they were just placed on the stairs... so i got stuck since the bot didnt try to open them, but tried to walk past them. i think the bot should just open the nearest barrel/chest/wahtever.

3. its quite tricky ;). it might be a problem with the randomization of the clicks and some ugly ingame pathing while u click somewhere near the stairs. sometimes i even got that kind of problem while playing manually ;)

so the bot tries to run besides a stair and clicking too near. then the client thinks he wanna go down there. when the bot realises its the wrong way he tries to get back. and so on...

4. make sure its not due to ur keyboard setup. try some of the keys which arent changed on different keyboards. but as i rem also this didnt work out too good xD. if ur running in a vm just get a qwerty/z setup in ur vm.

4b. mentioned alot of times ;). hopefully implemented soon.

5. this is probably not the fault of the bot. something more deep inside windows ;). just use the switch off screen after time feature for ur monitor instaed of switching it off totally. thats what i do any its working fine.

6. actually true ;) but tp function is still quite new. so will get better with the time.

7. poe client itself lowered the number of items while playing ;). also this problem is quite hard to get rid of i think.

8. strange. also using inf blow often and never had this kind of problem. sometimes the bot seems to get brainfucked due to too many dead monsters and the bot doesnt know what to do next ;) but normally its just running fine after a bit.

hopefully ur questions got answered ;)

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1. happened alot in 0.11c RC3. now with RC4 it still happens, but not rly often.

This "not rly often" can lead quickly to a ban. What player walks up and down in town? I already saw others with this bug in town and ppl saying:"This is a bot, say something or Im going to report with a ss." And that's the danger, if a bug happens on the field, well, I give a fying fuck on that, I can continue after 2mins, but in town where others see me? No ty.

As long as this "not rly often" happens, I see NO WAY of using the TP function (just happens if you use the TP function, at least to me).


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true. didnt say its good that it happens less ;P

just wanted to mention it.

with the released 0.11c it still happens.

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