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Zone farming "map explore percent" doesn't work.

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Once i updated from 0.63e to 0.64d. The bot just ignored the "Max explore percent" and tried to full clear the zone.

I even tried like 10% but still yields the same result. As when it tried to full clear  the zone, ended up stuck in an idling loop:


2016-10-27 21:28:07 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-27 21:28:07 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-27 21:28:07 [info] -> Exploration failing, reseting current area to avoid bot being stucked..
2016-10-27 21:28:07 [info] -> Idling...
Tried reverted back to using 0.63e, "max explore percent" working but cant seemed to sell item when vendoring (stuck).
Edited by bulma33

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same it affects me the same exact way please fix devs these bugs that make the bot unusable are the only thing holding me back from donating more

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I have the same issue, bot ignores the "Map exlore percent."

It also gets stuck in A4 after a certain amount of map runs, a bit to the right and below Kira. And once it gets stuck there it stays there FOREVER. No timeouts or anything helps. 

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I've come home 2 times and found my bot sitting in town doing nothing. The first time I ran out of I'd scrolls and it just sat at stash. No big deal I just increased scroll count to 80 and problem solved. The next time it got stuck in town I had it set for mapping but I changed it to T1, T2 maps only and it ran all of those that I had and stopped when it didnt have anymore maps to run within the range I specified.

I have had a weird bug in dried lake though where it will go to a corpse and get stuck there until idle timer kicks in and it goes to town.

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