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Upgrading "UNID" maps

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Bot stops doing anything during upgrade map tier if one of the maps it chooses is UNID'd


Have bot id maps then?

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Problem with proposed solution is.. if you run out of wisdoms in your bag the bot is unable to ID rares.. 

I run 80 wisdoms and 80 portals to prevent any mishaps.. I have witnessed twice where upgrading maps + finding large amount of maps that are UNID rares in maps causes bot to run out of wisdoms.. bot then stops and does nothing. proposed solution.. allow bot to upgrademaptier maps that are UNID.

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Problem with proposed solution is.. if you run out of wisdoms in your bag the bot is unable to ID rares.. 

I run 80 wisdoms and 80 portals to prevent any mishaps.. I have witnessed twice where upgrading maps + finding large amount of maps that are UNID rares in maps causes bot to run out of wisdoms.. bot then stops and does nothing. proposed solution.. allow bot to upgrademaptier maps that are UNID.


Pretty much obvious you don't let your bot run out of scrolls, either by id'ing maps or whatever.  The solution I gave is the one that you can use now, because I'm not certain that it will be fixed "properly" any time soon.  I've added it to the bug list anyways.


If your consistently running out of scrolls stock more, don't assume the bot can keep up running instances.

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You really honest, hand over your heart have a problem with your amount of wisdoms?



Please consider one of the ways highlighted here to get them:

collect them yourself (not enough for you, it seems)

sell armor scraps 1:2

sell blacksmith whetstones 1:4

sell transmutes 1:4

sell portal scrolls 1:1


that should satisfy any needs...

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this isn't a matter of how many wisdoms i collect.. it is a matter of the fact that carrying 80 wisdoms.. it is possible to run out.. bot should be able to sell an UNID'd map. To get stuck on something like that is ludicrous. 

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this isn't a matter of how many wisdoms i collect.. it is a matter of the fact that carrying 80 wisdoms.. it is possible to run out.. bot should be able to sell an UNID'd map. To get stuck on something like that is ludicrous. 


What is ludicrous is that you ALLOW your bot to run out of wisdoms.  Noob mistake.  Before runs I have a stash row full of ID scrolls.


Like I mentioned before, I agree the proper way is to have it fixed in the code, this is by far the easiest and quickest solution until that can happen.

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