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Bot changes Window Dimensions and misses all the clicks

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just got the bot



the bot keeps changing my window size to 928 x 703



even though i manually set it to 800 x 600



what gives?




Edited by exilebot1218

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Make sure the POE is running in Windowed more NOT Windowed (Borderless/Fullscreen) would be my first suggestion...can't think of anything else that might be causing that due too being tired. Hopefully this fixes it. 928x703 sounds about the size the client would be if it was in windowed mode at 800/600 with the Border.

Edited by MasterOfSilence

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Make sure the POE is running in Windowed more NOT Windowed (Borderless/Fullscreen) would be my first suggestion...can't think of anything else that might be causing that due too being tired. Hopefully this fixes it. 928x703 sounds about the size the client would be if it was in windowed mode at 800/600 with the Border.

I was able to fix this problem when i resrtarted my laptop.


Thank you for your kindly reply!

Edited by exilebot1218

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