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Chroms: To pick or not to pick, that is the question

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What are peoples thoughts on picking chroms during mapping?


Yes its extra currency but it takes a lot of time out of farming other currencies like jewelers and chaos recipe: pick chrom, go back to town during a map, sell chrom, stash it, go back into map...a lot of time, not mentioning the extra time wasted when theres random bugs when bot tries to pick item and cant for whatever reason (which is more likely to happen when bot is constantly picking chroms).

Edited by auronini

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You mean pick up chrome ITEMS, not chromes.You can't skip chromes which sucks, you sell 1000+ for 1 exalted which is shit, i would skip them on all my bots if i could, so much space wasted.

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yeah sorry meant chrom items, i've not been picking them up and i get more of other currencies but not sure if it's an extra ex a day. normally i pick up about an ex in chroms a day

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chrom orb = yes

chrom item = no


reason = you can still sell them even at crappy rates. then use the chaos/exalt you make from chromes to invest items on your bots

Edited by omgwtfzors

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