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EB tiro need help

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2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 14.764823
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 14.035668
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 14.035668
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 17.262676
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Moving to position(7744.303711, 6277.250000). State Priority: 24
2016-05-08 14:11:45 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 22.022715
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 15.033297
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Moving to position(7680.067871, 6372.743652). State Priority: 24
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Attacking monster Cave Skitterer using T key at distance : 3.162278
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:46 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 63027ab8, id 0394
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6302a3b0, id 0395
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 63029e58, id 0396
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 63027560, id 0397
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6302bca0, id 0398
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 63029900, id 0399
2016-05-08 14:11:48 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:50 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:50 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:52 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:52 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:54 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:54 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:56 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:56 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:57 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:11:57 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-05-08 14:11:59 [info] -> Bot trying to take tp for 30 seconds, something went wrong.. Exiting to login.
2016-05-08 14:11:59 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2016-05-08 14:12:01 [info] -> Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!
2016-05-08 14:12:01 [info] -> Detected Level Change
2016-05-08 14:12:03 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-08 14:12:09 [info] -> Need to go to hideout, mode used : 1!!
2016-05-08 14:12:09 [info] -> Going to hideout before identifying.
2016-05-08 14:12:09 [info] -> Need to go to hideout, mode used : 1!!
2016-05-08 14:12:16 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:19 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:22 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:25 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:28 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:31 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:35 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:38 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:42 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:45 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-05-08 14:12:48 [info] -> Using currency on item...

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1 .turn off use waypoint states from progression

2 . set secondary zone in merciless instead of act 1 normal incase u run out of maps.

3 . rebuild ur hideout so u wont get stuck on statues.


4 here's a screenshot of my hideout (dont ask why there are red circles in that picture ) : http://imgur.com/qwBRyVi

Edited by RaZe

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2016-05-09 16:23:09 [info] -> Attacking monster Tormented Cutthroat using T key at distance : 4.472136

2016-05-09 16:23:09 [info] -> Moving to position(9070.396484, 10548.941406). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:09 [info] -> Moving to position(9048.978516, 10553.138672). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:10 [info] -> Moving to position(8960.159180, 10540.409180). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:11 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:11 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:11 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:11 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc39370, id 01e6

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3c388, id 01e8

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3c550, id 01ea

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc38e18, id 01ed

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc38530, id 01ee

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3d1c8, id 01ef

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc35fc8, id 01f2

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3c1c0, id 01f4

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3a540, id 01f5

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3d000, id 02f2

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 67f52ae8, id 02f4

2016-05-09 16:23:12 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5dc3a378, id 02f5

2016-05-09 16:23:13 [info] -> Picking item

2016-05-09 16:23:13 [info] -> Picking item

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(8903.193359, 10420.095703). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(8897.011719, 10429.236328). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(8943.329102, 10414.413086). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(9018.702148, 10382.889648). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(9050.813477, 10365.565430). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(9114.400391, 10365.479492). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:14 [info] -> Moving to position(9157.158203, 10369.123047). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Moving to position(9195.141602, 10362.838867). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da55288, id 025b

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da537d0, id 025c

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da550c0, id 025d

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da53440, id 025f

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da52990, id 03a3

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da530b0, id 03a4

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da53278, id 03a5

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da54280, id 03a7

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da55450, id 80000c93

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5da55b70, id 80000c92

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 67f545a0, id 80000c94

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Moving to position(9266.099609, 10363.167969). State Priority: 22

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:15 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Going to pick item

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 67f575b8, id 03a6

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 67f57ea0, id 03a8

2016-05-09 16:23:16 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 67f58788, id 03a9

2016-05-09 16:23:17 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:18 [info] -> Picking item

2016-05-09 16:23:18 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:20 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:21 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:24 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:26 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:28 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:31 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:32 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:34 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:36 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:37 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:39 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:41 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:43 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:44 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:46 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:48 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:50 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:52 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:53 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:55 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:57 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:23:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-05-09 16:23:59 [info] -> Bot trying to take tp for 30 seconds, something went wrong.. Exiting to login.

2016-05-09 16:23:59 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing

2016-05-09 16:24:00 [info] -> Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!

2016-05-09 16:24:00 [info] -> Detected Level Change

2016-05-09 16:24:03 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-05-09 16:24:09 [info] -> Need to go to hideout, mode used : 2!!

2016-05-09 16:24:09 [info] -> Going to hideout before identifying.

2016-05-09 16:24:09 [info] -> Need to go to hideout, mode used : 1!!

2016-05-09 16:24:16 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:19 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:22 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:25 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:28 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:31 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:34 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:37 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:40 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:43 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:46 [info] -> Using currency on item...

2016-05-09 16:24:49 [info] -> Using currency on item...

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