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ideal settings to have bot log out randomly for set period time???

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hello I am looking into how to setup the bot to log out my character for a random time range throughout the day. I figure if I go to work for a 10hr shift have bot run entire time but log off after 2hrs for a 30min to 1hr time frame and then log back in to run maps again.


ultimate goal is to farm for 2,300 fusion orbs or other currency to trade to get there faster, currently bot does unidentified chaos orb recipe while it picks up Q10+ fasks, chromantic orbs and Q1+ gems.


any ideas on the settings for time would be helpful

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I feel the idle system is fine....


However if you want to run ur bot for 5 hours then pause it, then just set it up in the idle settings.

I don't really see it, you're asking for a feature that's already in the bot or do you want a idle and pause like feature at the same time?


The idle features work awesome. What's wrong?

Edited by RaZe

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