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Why does this happen sometimes?

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I've been running maps,

realized that it was in a loop.

Got banned :)


Here is the log


2016-04-24 09:40:17 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:17 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:17 [info] -> Stash Tab 3 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:17 [info] -> Stash Tab 4 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:17 [info] -> Stash Tab 5 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:17 [info] -> No stash tab available to stash items.
2016-04-24 09:40:18 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 4
2016-04-24 09:40:18 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:18 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:18 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:18 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:18 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:19 [info] -> Moving to position(2243.101318, 3203.462891). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:19 [info] -> Moving to position(2250.877686, 3219.561768). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:19 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:19 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:19 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:19 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 3 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 4 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 5 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> No stash tab available to stash items.
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 4
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 3 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 4 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> Stash Tab 5 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:20 [info] -> No stash tab available to stash items.
2016-04-24 09:40:21 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 4
2016-04-24 09:40:21 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:21 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:21 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:21 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:22 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:22 [info] -> Moving to position(2243.997803, 3168.439941). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:22 [info] -> Moving to position(2255.875488, 3155.433594). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:22 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:22 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:22 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 3 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 4 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 5 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> No stash tab available to stash items.
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 4
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 3 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 4 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> Stash Tab 5 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:23 [info] -> No stash tab available to stash items.
2016-04-24 09:40:24 [info] -> Moving to position(2385.869629, 2298.913086). State Priority: 4
2016-04-24 09:40:24 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:24 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:24 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:24 [info] -> Moving to position(2179.347900, 3375.000000). State Priority: 8
2016-04-24 09:40:25 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:25 [info] -> Stash Tab 2 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:25 [info] -> Stash Tab 3 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:25 [info] -> Stash Tab 4 not found..
2016-04-24 09:40:25 [info] -> Stash Tab 5 not found..

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Ouch. Do you know what it was doing at the time? how long was it doing this for?


Also some more info about the ban would be nice. How old account, running what maps and tiers, how many hours/day, any microtransactions, other bots, main banned, method of trading with main, how long been running maps for, PoE platform?

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