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Bot doesn't level Gems

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Since the .60 update the bot no longer consistently levels gems. Certain gems (whirling blades) are ignored when they're ready to level up. My auto level gems settings is ON. I changed my time settings as per a FAQ post on here. I've also tried increasing the setting in one of the config files that's supposed to help the bot notice gems ready for level up (from default 80 to 90) and it's still not working.


Anyone have any advice?

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I've noticed this issue. 100% of the time the bot is 100% unable to detect the top gem when it levels.

For example i just  1/20's a bunch of gems and now all gems beneath the first get leveled when the bot detects them but always the one gem remains and will stay there until another gem levels and pushes it down.

I think the issue is that the bot detection area is not high enough on the screen. I do notice that gems level when the Map overlay is enabled(Tab) so theres that too..backing up my hypothesis


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