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0.6 Bug : Inventory full - chicken

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There are 2 parameters that when combine can seriously damage the Loot process

1. if Bag Full do > Chicken

2. Monster_no_kill_timeout

take this bot farming maps scenario for example :

- bot run through the map filling it's bag.

- After clearing a large portion of the map bot finally encounters the boss

-bot kills the boss

- boss is dead : drops a lot of item including 2 EXPENSIVE unique and an Exalted Orb, totaling 3-5 Exalt worth of loot

- bot goes to pickup 1 rare (chaos recipe) and it's bag is full (the 3-5 Exalt loot is still on the floor)

- bot goes to Chicken > relogin > goes back to Hideout > stash and sell > goes back to map Portal

- bot spawn in the BEGINNING of the MAP (because bot uses Chicken instead of opening Portal)

- bot now walks a vast empty space without any Mob, because it has already cleared it before

- Monster_no_kill_timeout kicks in > open Portal > goes back to Hideout

- bot declares he is finished with the map, While in Actuality bot is missing a HUGE Loot

suggested solution :

Do Not use Chicken method for returning back to Hideout (unless there's no Portal scroll in bag)

Strictly use Chicken Method ONLY for self preservation (when bot reach certain HP threshold)

sorry for the wall of text, I don't know any other shorter way to explain this matter.

Ps: The scenario that I use as an example is Actually True, this happens to me exactly as I describe above, with the exact Loot Approximation Value, so it's not just some hypothetical scenario it actually happen

pps: I have known this use of Chicken Method l, Outside the supposed function (run away when bot HP reach x%) since the early days of EB, which has always kinda irks me just a bit, but figures it not a big deal, so I have never brought it up, UNTIL today when I watch the bot run the scenarios I describe above, it dawn to me, just how many Possible Loot has the bot been missing.. I truly hope Alk will address this problem, since it was not supposed to be there in the first place ie: a bug

Edited by hamncheese

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ye i get what u mean. didnt use to be like this.


Basically the problem is that you might loose out on items due to this.


The way I avoid the problem is using unid chaos recipe / with pick only missing chaos items set to true ( wont fill my bags up like in ur scenario so I wont loose out incase this would happen. Because my inventory doesnt get filled up.


I also set map to cleared on no monster kill timed out, so he wont go back pathing trough all the shit he already did to maximize my farm time.

Edited by RaZe

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thanks for replying Raze,

for the settings : that is exactly my settings, BUT due to almost all my bot is MF in some way, almost all of bot will have full Bag BEFORE he finishes a Map

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ye bot needs something like " dont leave this loot" no matter what hehe, I wont need it though.


picking up less crap is ur only solution for now.


Another thing is that bot has problems with alot of boss transitions wich cause problems in maps.

using less explore % avoiding bosses might actually help out.

Edited by RaZe

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Less Explore to avoid boss,

true I already contemplating on using this, but this is a really big let down if the solution for faulty bot AI : avoid bosses, in a game where Loot is no 1 :(

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