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How much is the bot customizable?

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I'm also coming from the former-rival bot of yours. I'm wondering how much can we customize the Exiled Bot. For example, I'm seeing that questing doesn't work 100%. But, what provides the 'questing' functionality? Is it internal to the bot? As a developer, can I fix it on my side? Can I code some complicated combat/kiting logic? Or all these are internal?


And if I can, how? What language will I be using? Is it a simple scripting language or plain C?


Thanks for the answers in advance. I hope I can find what I'm looking for :)

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There are no plugins like buddy, everything is coded, compiled, and released by the primary developer, Alk.


Questing is buggy since ascendancy, Alk does have it on his list to get fixed, but he's got lots of other priorities going on right now.


If you are very competent with C++, give him a PM, he's looking for talent.

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There are no plugins like buddy, everything is coded, compiled, and released by the primary developer, Alk.


Questing is buggy since ascendancy, Alk does have it on his list to get fixed, but he's got lots of other priorities going on right now.


If you are very competent with C++, give him a PM, he's looking for talent.


Thanks for your answer. I don't think I'm more talented than a few developers in the existing userbase you have :P It's a shame because the only thing I liked about botting was being able to code your own logic. Questing was just an example, I don't actually care about it.


By the way, the links in your signature gives "Sorry, we couldn't find that!" error, but maybe it's because they are in the private forum.


Anyway, thanks again for your answer, and have a nice day! :)

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The skill Setup in this bot Is very customizable tho. + if u get familiar with the bot u can influence Alk with useful Feature requests. 

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"By the way, the links in your signature gives "Sorry, we couldn't find that!" error, but maybe it's because they are in the private forum."


That's because you need to make a donation to access the Forums / Shoutbox.  Hope to see you there soon.

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