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Problem with 0.60

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Ps what is it cports? Thanks

small external programm used for chicken. it basically cuts the connection between you and poe, and is instant.




goes basically back to a guy from reddit. nowadays like 90 % of the hc players using this method for chicken, whether by a automatic script or by manually using chicken with a button. but its certainly the fastest method to instant logout to prevent death. you doesn't have to click esc + logout anymore to logout.

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small external programm used for chicken. it basically cuts the connection between you and poe, and is instant.




goes basically back to a guy from reddit. nowadays like 90 % of the hc players using this method for chicken, whether by a automatic script or by manually using chicken with a button. but its certainly the fastest method to instant logout to prevent death. you doesn't have to click esc + logout anymore to logout.


how to work this program? only need to start it ?

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the exe is included. you just need to go to the flask settings and edit the "chicken method" to "TCP drop"


but only if you want the bot to chicken at low life

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