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Page filing setup

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I have a question regarding page filing setup. These are my specs and how I believe I should have it setup, but please help me out on this one. I want to run 10 virtual machines on the same comp. Everything concerning the bots, windows, and PoE have already been tweaked so each bot only uses around 200-250mb memory. I was running 5 fine, but when I go to add 6 everything crashed saying it wasn't enough memory. I know the reason is I had windows managing the memory so I wanted to see the best way to allocate the page filing:


Windows 7 64 bit on everything

VMware 7

Intel I7

GTX 980

16gb ram

Drive 1: SSD 112gb - OS and Vmworkstation program installed

Drive 2: SSD 112gb - Virtual machines 1 through 10 installed all set to 1024 memory and 10gb space


I am going to try it like this:

Drive 1: 2048 - 4096

Drive 2: 10240 - 12288


Does this sound about right or should I set it to something else?




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the memory failure message was from windows or vmware itself?



the general rule of thumb/advice for windows is like 1.5 times * ram i think. nowadays up to 3 times * ram. depending on ram size.


- take out the mark "automatically manage paging file size for all drives".

- if you use 1024, you set 1024 as minimum and 1536, 2048 or 3072  (at maximum) and press set. you should do that step for every vmware. 


1 gb per vmware might be a bit squishy nowadays, since poe got a bit more performance hungry over the years.





Version 2.2.1e

  • Path of Exile now uses around 20% less memory at startup. This improves load times and significantly reduces memory related client crashes when changing areas.

:P  :mrgreen: 

Edited by stef

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the memory failure message was from windows or vmware itself?



the general rule of thumb/advice for windows is like 1.5 times * ram i think. nowadays up to 3 times * ram. depending on ram size.


- take out the mark "automatically manage paging file size for all drives".

- if you use 1024, you set 1024 as minimum and 1536, 2048 or 3072  (at maximum) and press set. you should do that step for every vmware. 


1 gb per vmware might be a bit squishy nowadays, since poe got a bit more performance hungry over the years.





Version 2.2.1e

  • Path of Exile now uses around 20% less memory at startup. This improves load times and significantly reduces memory related client crashes when changing areas.

:P  :mrgreen:

Thanks. I didnt realize that you set the page filing in each vm itself. I was setting the master computer page filing per each SSD drive. I understand what to do for each VM now. However, should i change the master computer page filing back to automatically manage or should I adjust that some other way?


Also, VMware was giving me the error msg saying not enough memory once i loaded the 6th POE.

Edited by darkfhu

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u only got 16gb ram, get 32gb if u wanna run 10 :)

Well, that would ideally be the way to go, and I am sure I will, but is it possible to run 10 with only 16gb? Anyone else doing this out there?

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Thanks. I didnt realize that you set the page filing in each vm itself. I was setting the master computer page filing per each SSD drive. I understand what to do for each VM now. However, should i change the master computer page filing back to automatically manage or should I adjust that some other way?


Also, VMware was giving me the error msg saying not enough memory once i loaded the 6th POE.

I have my main OS on automatically, but i also have 32 gb. I would say change it on your vmwares and see if its working. If not, give it a try on your main os. Can always change it back.


There is also an overall ram settings for vmware. How much ram vmware should use from the system ram. Should be on "fit all virtual machine memory into reserved host Ram".


Like Raze said 16 gb might be a close call for that amount of vmware's. Especially if you doing other things while botting with your pc. Another 16 gb stick could certainly help out.

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