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Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging

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32bit ahk version is just important to choose on a 64bit system, if u wanna compile the script and let ppl on a 32bit system run them.

if ur sharing the ahk script it doesnt make a difference as i know.

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someone have ideo to solution problem when i'm don't using stashing or stash it's and inventory it's full bot don't work, he's stay in same place and try pick up or deposit items.

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thats indeed quite annoying. a simple logout and stop the bot would be nice then.

so the bot isnt doing stupid instance creation on timers and stands there at the first drop...

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This script is just simply epic. Only problem right now is that unique ek/trapper boss in sarn city that sometimes gets my toon and makes it relog because of low hp. >_

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I just made another improvement however I can't test it right now. Basically I want to randomize the timeout tp time.

NOTICE: Portal Gem is set to middle mouse button.

; Define below what keys represent your lower skill bar (from left to right, 5 keys)
; Comment out keys that don't have an aura or an aura you don't wish to use by adding a ; in front of the line
; Set the key with the portal gem is set to the middle button

;aHK1 = q
aHK2 = w
aHK3 = e
aHK4 = r
aHK5 = t

; Set the timeout values in milliseconds after which a portal will be casted automatically. The effective casting time is randomized
portalTimeoutMin = 240000
portalTimeoutMax = 360000

; Set to 'y' if you want to cast a portal and use it when a zone entrance comes into range
zoneEntrance = y


getCurTimeout(portalTimeoutMin, portalTimeoutMax)
    global portalTimeoutMin
    Random, portalTimeout, %portalTimeoutMin%, %portalTimeoutMax%
    return %portalTimeout%

; Load Direct3DWindow class
WinActivate, ahk_class Direct3DWindow Class

; Function to check if a variable exists
varExist(ByRef v)
    ; Requires 1.0.46+
    return &v = &n ? 0 : v = "" ? 2 : 1 

portalTimeout := getCurTimeout(portalTimeoutMin, portalTimeoutMax)
SetTimer, castAuras, 100
SetTimer, usePortal, %portalTimeout%

; Get active window title
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
if (Title = "Path of Exile")
    Send {F12}
    Sleep 500
    MouseClick, Middle,,
    Sleep 4000
    Mousemove 400, 300
    Sleep 100
    Sleep 5000
    Send {F12}
    Sleep 10000

; Get active window title
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
if (Title = "Path of Exile")
    if varExist("aHK1") = 1
        CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
        PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 526, 599, 549, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB
        if ErrorLevel = 0
            Send {%aHK1%} ;

    if varExist("aHK2") = 1
        CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
        PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 556, 599, 580, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB
        if ErrorLevel = 0
            Send {%aHK2%} ;

    if varExist("aHK3") = 1
        CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
        PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 587, 599, 611, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB
        if ErrorLevel = 0
            Send {%aHK3%} ;

    if varExist("aHK4") = 1
        CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
        PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 618, 599, 641, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB
        if ErrorLevel = 0
            Send {%aHK4%} ;

    if varExist("aHK5") = 1
        CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
        PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 649, 599, 672, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB
        if ErrorLevel = 0
            Send {%aHK5%} ;

    if (zoneEntrance = "y")
        Imagesearch,,, 650, 20, 800, 180, *50 *TransBlack portal.png
        If Errorlevel = 0
            SetTimer, usePortal, Off
            Send {F12}
            Sleep 500
            MouseClick, Middle,,
            Sleep 4000
            Mousemove 400, 300
            Sleep 100
            Sleep 5000
            Send {F12}
            ; after going through the portal, make a 30 second timeout so bot can do stashing and stuff... adjust number to your desired result
            Sleep 30000
            portalTimeout := getCurTimeout(portalTimeoutMin, portalTimeoutMax)
            SetTimer, usePortal, %portalTimeout%


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Bot cant pickup items.

to not pick up trash I've got using "alt" key to pick up.

When script is on alt key is blocked, don't know why.

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Can you make it so it uses Portal Scralls if you don't have the gem?

Like... it checks if you have portal skill assigned - searching with image on the cords where the skill bar is.

If there isn't it opens the inentory and right clicks on postions x/y where is the bot-right slot where we will put the port scrolls.


Also it would be even cooler if it resets the instance from town, instead of using portal, is this possible?


If we are trying to be more human like - better reset with town entrance, this is whatmajority of players do,

They use portals at docks/library, not in sarn.

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Can you make it so it uses Portal Scralls if you don't have the gem?


With the gem assigned to a key it's just a lot easier. Use skill, walk the two steps and you're back in town. The portals in the Inventory can change location etc... and you might not even have portal scrolls with out.... you can try to alter it...



So after some configuration I can use it to run Archives indefinetly?


The bot can run archives indefinitely also... this should just prevent logging out of the game due to 'inactivity' and make a more normal behaviour. The original of the script was written when you couldn't use town portal in the bot itself. Especially in City of Sarn it makes sense to use it... since you start at point A and walk through and end up at Point B - the exit. In the library there's usually two ways for the bot to explore first. So it hsould be working but isn't as useful IMHO...

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