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exile bot not detected!

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i'm not trying to hurt this bot site, in-fact I love this bot and thank the developers for all their hard work but, after I got banned I had email conversations with a support rep and this is a copy paste from the conversation. I leads me to believe the bot is now detectable. so beware!

Whats happening is that your accounts

are getting caught in a scan for botters. Your accounts are once again

unbanned. But I've got to remind you that the use of third party

software or the use of scripts/macros that bot are strictly against

the Terms of Service.



GGG Support

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Weird because I've been using it 12+ hours a day every single day and no ban here.

on only 1 account? see the thing is, I only botted 1 account for months for 14+ hours a day and no ban when I started using 2, I got banned. I believe they are only scanning accounts with 2 or more connections from the same ip.

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on only 1 account? see the thing is, I only botted 1 account for months for 14+ hours a day and no ban when I started using 2, I got banned. I believe they are only scanning accounts with 2 or more connections from the same ip.

Yeah I only have 1 account and I only login to one account.

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No it's not detectable, most of the people are using the bot and not being banned.

They ban you if you are botting in a suspicious way (ie: 20h per days).

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I rarely bot... as in I just reinstalled the software last night ran it for 8hrs woke up IP banned. I saw the post about ban wave but thought I would be unaffected.

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What i understand from the 1st message is a simple contact with a GGG support team is enough to unban you ? To cdn123 , how many time have you get unban like this ?

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No it's not detectable, most of the people are using the bot and not being banned.

They ban you if you are botting in a suspicious way (ie: 20h per days).

^ the bot itself doesnt seem to be able to be detecable, since it is only memory reading. (and yes i know mem read is also detectable... but thats not the main problem.)

as alk alrdy said u get into some "GGG bot check thingy" if ur account acts suspicious.

like being online rly long. which is just not possible for a normal user since he has to sleep. and as i know account sharing isnt allowed. (maybe this was only for closed beta. not sure)

staying at the same area for hours/days/weeks (as it seems nothing like this is done yet)

relogging all the time doesnt matter, since its some kind of game mechanics to prevent getting killed.

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What i understand from the 1st message is a simple contact with a GGG support team is enough to unban you ? To cdn123 , how many time have you get unban like this ?

ive got both my accounts un-banned 2 times already :), I haven't botted since, because 1 of the accounts have item effects and tons of currency on it

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they never unban one of my chars, i emailed me them now again and havent heard from them since friday... i doubt they will unban my chars... what are you saying to get unbanned?

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they never unban one of my chars, i emailed me them now again and havent heard from them since friday... i doubt they will unban my chars... what are you saying to get unbanned?

how any chars are we talking? if its more then 3 id say you have no chance to get unbanned, but usually I play a dumb ass and try to sound like a 12 year old kid. say things like I was playing and I got kicked from the game with a pop message saying I got banned, and say things like I think got hacked! or something stupid., in my case I had 2 accounts got banned so I made up a story saying me and my brother got banned and we didn't know why, and I tried to make the account creation times and the reason I was logged in for so long make since with the story. also I tried to make it seem like I was begging for help like it was a bug in the game not that it was their fault.

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maybe they dont unban u, since they think ur too stupid for the game.

even acting like this seems to be rly dumb lol.

btw. as it seems ppl mostly get banned when botting multiple accounts at the same time.

not quite sure why, since there are options to get different external ips.

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Tbh Alkpone and I have been using the bot on our "testing" character for what now? more than 3 months, i've been running it like 24/7 almost for some weeks while the bot was in early alpha stage so it stuck itself for hours etc...but i've never been playing another account from my computer while i was botting and i guess, same for him....maybe a safe way to bot :P

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Tbh Alkpone and I have been using the bot on our "testing" character for what now? more than 3 months, i've been running it like 24/7 almost for some weeks while the bot was in early alpha stage so it stuck itself for hours etc...but i've never been playing another account from my computer while i was botting and i guess, same for him....maybe a safe way to bot :P


could agree with that. i simply dont run more than 1 client (no matter if vm or main or whatever) since my graphics card cant handle it ;)

but i also didnt get banned yet and wasnt rly caring about running 24/7 or not or ...

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Tbh Alkpone and I have been using the bot on our "testing" character for what now? more than 3 months, i've been running it like 24/7 almost for some weeks while the bot was in early alpha stage so it stuck itself for hours etc

Getting stuck for hours is probably actually a good thing as far as getting detected is concerned. It is more realistic than farming non-stop for hours.

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can any tell me how fast do they unban ur account, ofc if they decide to unban^^ coz w8ing for 2 days already and they still invistigate....

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