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Here's a list of issues (I want my money back)

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I've been an off and on EB user for quite a while. A few patches ago, I would run the bot and it would get stuck sometimes but it was never really a problem because 90% of the time the bot worked.


I just purchased a 6 month "donation" a few days ago, and EVERY SINGLE DAY I have run the bot this week, I come back to it stuck. And on each of these occasions, the bot does maybe 10-15 runs before it gets stuck. Hours and hours of wasted time.


Attempt 1: Bot stuck trying to sell things on the vendor purchase screen, continuous loop


Attempt 2: Bot randomly stuck in act 4 town (that little side spot above the stairs), continuous loop


Attempt 3: I figured this was a bug running the "Voll" map (because I used to run dried lake all the time with minimal issues) so I tried running Dried lake instead. Same exact problem as Attempt #2, continuous loop.


Attempt 4: I said to hell with act 4, the bot sucks and cant run act 4 efficiently, ill run act 3. Bot creates a town portal in front of the Docks WP, stuck trying to take the wp or tp (not sure?), continuous loop.



So now I'm sitting here with buyer's remorse because I paid 20 bucks, risking an account ban with no profit. I have paid to use this bot for well over a year now, and while I have always thought it was sub-par for paid bots (compare exile-bot to RoS-Bot... wow) I always tolerated it because, in the end, it was worth it. But this is just unacceptable.


Edit: a word

Edited by lindht

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since the start of this project i was part of it, until now~ i have 19 unli sessions~

all is working good~ 
try to be more creative bro profit is still good~ (very good for me) lol~


1. create a good toon with good build and items

2. invest one by one on each toon so you can bot T11 -T15 maps easily~

3. Profit~ just need to find the right build brah~

Edited by DiciannoveGaming

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Attempt 1: Bot stuck trying to sell things on the vendor purchase screen, continuous loop


Are you running any other scripts or mods other than EB?  I had a similar problem with EB getting stuck at vendor when i was running Gurud's AutoFlask.  It was like the [ctrl] key was not working correctly.


I went back to letting EB handle flasks and the problem went away.



Hope this helps.

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The issue is not my build, im running a highly geared caustic arrow ranger. 5.5k life, 6L Coil, +3 6L Bow etc etc. The issue is simply the bot getting stuck in towns, at wp/tps, at vendors, etc. 


Are you saying that I should be runnings maps instead lake? I've always had the best success running lake just due to speed clear with 100 IIQ / 250IIR. I net the most currency. But I will run my PA build in maps and see if that is less buggy. Thanks


I will look into running maps from h/o, thank for that!


Im running no other scripts, just v0.57d with the "advanced pickit" from the UI

The vendor thing is strange. Sometimes the bot will click the purchase tab instead of sell tab. Usually after it tries to sell it will try again and press the sell tab, and carry on... But twice, i came back to the bot repeatedly pressing the purchase tab. I cant think of a reason why. its random when it happens

Edited by lindht

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Did you download a fresh copy of 0.57d? I have almost no problems with the bot so far, but the bot would break whenever I get lazy and don't make sure the configs are 100% correct. So make sure you do that and report back.


But I can confirm it's dangerous to use the bot in Act4 town. It occasionally gets stuck and runs in loops. Restarting the bot solves the issue, so it's most likely a bug in the bot.

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Hate to say it, but 100% agree with Noobie.  This bot is still average at best compared to some of the other bots I had.  Here a few issues


1.  Yes, it get stuck, in town, selling bugs, but YES..it get stuck...ALOT

2.  Literally, need to re-download the entire bot 1 a week and re-configure everything.  There no easy way to copy the config files over.  Everything I've read says DO NOT copy cause it buggy.

3.  Take like 20 tried to "run as admin" to actually get the bot to pop up.

4.  The bots program just dies randomly and need to restart.



Honestly, paid over 20 bucks and feel I got a sub par product.  If your going to charge money, please get your shit straight.  Sry folks:(

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runs fine for most of us... its the operator not the program


atm it is a bit buggy but EVERY bot faces these problems from time to time alk is trying to improve it... if you dont like it PLEASE dont buy it again. all that needs to be said.


and if you wanna bitch about reprogramming it then dont buy it... it takes like 5 mins MAX... not even worth addressing these complaints imo


this is just my honest opinion.. idk how alk feels

Edited by omega
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Hate to say it, but 100% agree with Noobie.  This bot is still average at best compared to some of the other bots I had.  Here a few issues


1.  Yes, it get stuck, in town, selling bugs, but YES..it get stuck...ALOT

2.  Literally, need to re-download the entire bot 1 a week and re-configure everything.  There no easy way to copy the config files over.  Everything I've read says DO NOT copy cause it buggy.

3.  Take like 20 tried to "run as admin" to actually get the bot to pop up.

4.  The bots program just dies randomly and need to restart.



Honestly, paid over 20 bucks and feel I got a sub par product.  If your going to charge money, please get your shit straight.  Sry folks:(


1. Honestly, this is a very recent issue (well, the town and selling bug)

2. Take me 2 minutes to reconfigure, copy the relevant .ini files from the old folder into the new one.  Usually not the config.ini, since it can cause issues.

3. This is your issue with your computer, setup, or host app.  Try finding a small app here - http://www.marcofolio.net/tools/50_under_1mb_free_useful_tools_windows.html to attach to.  I use ATNotes.

4. Dying doesn't happen randomly, it occurs within the bot parameters, when there is conflicting priorities or skills.  Which means fine tuning your skill setup.  I have a lvl 96 flame totem bot that has yet to die while botting. In general, it could be your build and gearing.


If your going to list faults, it seems like your might want to chase down all solutions before posting your issues as fact.

Edited by jps42

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For those saying, "Its the operator and not the Bot," enlighten me. I download a fresh copy and do the following:


Open the launcher


set my level gem, run corrupted zone, etc settings 

set my map settings, character slot

set my advanced pickit (i dont mess with the provided pickit), botting area settings

set my flask timers

set my combat skills. And run it


I dont touch any of the config files or other scripts. (Maybe this is where my problem is?).


To those saying gtfo or calling me noobie, i want to reiterate. I have been payingto use EB for a long time with no issues. Same computer. Also experience these issues, and others, when I run it on my macbook pro (Windows 7 partition). I just havent posted anything because I've never needed to. I understand the slight hostility to the post because of the title, but I really just made it as an attention grabber. I dont expect to get a refund and I would like to figure out the problem, as I have a 6month subscription.


I'm just grasping at straws here, but do any of you who do not experience these issues change the default settings on any of the following under the "Main" and "Map" tabs?:


Always reset instance

Use WP states from progression

Map farming setting, when your only running zones

Timeout settings

enable chicken

client settings


I ask because these are all settings that I do not touch and maybe there have been significant changes to the UI that I am unaware of.


Any help would be appreciated.





I will try attaching to your suggested program, that could definitely be a possibility I didn't consider. Thanks

Edited by lindht

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For those saying, "Its the operator and not the Bot," enlighten me. I download a fresh copy and do the following:



As of right now, there are bot specific issues, specifically pathfinding in towns.  So unless you are doing only maps, I would hold on a bit.


I think some of the vets around here get a bit boisterous because people tend to say "It doesn't work" without spending time to figure out the bot and the settings.  I admit it might take a little experimentation to get everything to your liking for your specific build, but afterwards the bot shines in farming and skill config capability.  

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To those saying gtfo or calling me noobie, i want to reiterate. I have been payingto use EB for a long time with no issues.


You look like a noob when you paid $20 for 6 months when you could've paid $10 more for lifetime, but this makes sense if your plan is to stop botting after 6 months and save $10 over half a year.


Your big posts are basically saying one thing: the bot has trouble in act4 town. So just stay out of act4 and enjoy botting.

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To those saying gtfo or calling me noobie, i want to reiterate. I have been payingto use EB for a long time with no issues.


You look like a noob when you paid $20 for 6 months when you could've paid $10 more for lifetime, but this makes sense if your plan is to stop botting after 6 months and save $10 over half a year.


Your big posts are basically saying one thing: the bot gets stuck in act4 town. So just stay out of act4 and enjoy botting.

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As of right now, there are bot specific issues, specifically pathfinding in towns.  So unless you are doing only maps, I would hold on a bit.


I think some of the vets around here get a bit boisterous because people tend to say "It doesn't work" without spending time to figure out the bot and the settings.  I admit it might take a little experimentation to get everything to your liking for your specific build, but afterwards the bot shines in farming and skill config capability.  

no what pisses me off is he wants to demand money back without even trying to fix it... not my fault or alk's that you cant set it up... no1 EVER said it will be 1 click bot...

lets do some simple deduction


clearly the bot and this site is legit... its not like alk just made some bs program for a quick 30$ (this to me means it works and can be done. so something wrong with operator PERIOD... now if you post asking for help then id be acting a bit different, but no you go right to i want my money back)

several recent posts about it being buggy so clearly the update was a bit off... shit happens deal with it (when i look at serveral buggy complaints i can only assume the update went poorly)

i could have swore you posted a competing bot... THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF... go to that fuck tard site get a ban and gtfo... plus overpay...


that being said yeah i can be a dick.. when some1 starts talking shit fuck it ill talk shit right back

i try to follow the golden rule (treat others how you want to be treated (you come in bitching ill come in bitching))... i help random SUPPORTERS and depending on the problem maybe leechers when i can answer it quickly


/e on top of all of that.. i say what im thinking no need to beat around the bush

Edited by omega

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Hey omega, get a sniggers. :D

getting heated won't cure his attitude, may it be stupidity or just lack of interest.


Btw: having done several hundreds Dried Lake runs in the last 3weeks and getting stuck only a 1 (let me phrase that out for youm dear lindht: O N E) spot in the area where Voll sits. No stuck in town, no problem with vendor no problem with stash!


So whatever problem you might have: it is very likely not the bot. it is more likely some fancy setup-issue on your private machine. and this is not to point at your Hello Kitty Desktop-scheme. It is just something that your machine does and mine doesn't. You could argue that the bot ought to have several routines to find out how your system reacts and act accordingly. but thats a bit much to expect from a project of a single developer, at least from my point of view!


duh, forgot to say: running 0.57D... dual FT, that dies often in Dried Lake due to poor build, some bad gear and what comes of it (like 4.1k life) still managed to earn enough to fuel the exalt-furnace called Talisman-Achievements hehe

Edited by walkingdead

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Bot has been working splendidly the past few weeks on maps, so go do those.
The only times it has gotten stuck, I've investigated what happened and all the log files and found it was my fault EACH time.


So it definitely doesn't have trouble as large as you describe in places other than act 4

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