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Stashig alt's, map's and so

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My first topic..didn't find anything about it,

Is there  way to stash alts and chormes for ex. is stash 1, map in 2 , uniques in 3 and so on...

my bot is stashing alts in 2 and i have alts in 1 not 20/20 ..i have 2 rows of 1/20 but he's still going for tab 2, 

Is there a way or somewhere where we can specify ? 

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he cant do that,


he simply checks if in stash 1 is enugh space for a 8piece item, if, he puts stuff over with crtl click, if not, he goes to next stash

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Well that's kinda what i meant... can't i do anything to make it stash weapons in  one tab maps in another one , curency and so on... ? ??


even if i leave space and then he stashes maps there he then will start to go on the next tab

Edited by antidote

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No, you cant. So far the bot's programming is not sophisticated enough to do that. Simply make sure you have 2H weapon space available at all times. Condense the crap left over in the tabs once ur remove currency etc.

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My first topic..didn't find anything about it,

Is there  way to stash alts and chormes for ex. is stash 1, map in 2 , uniques in 3 and so on...

my bot is stashing alts in 2 and i have alts in 1 not 20/20 ..i have 2 rows of 1/20 but he's still going for tab 2, 

Is there a way or somewhere where we can specify ? 


You can now define Currency tabs, Chaos Recipe tabs and "everything else" tabs. The first 2 (general stash tabs and currency) are definable in the GUI, CR still has to be added to the config.ini manually.  The CR addition was just added.

; Which stash tab to use? If multi-stash tab is enabled separate tabs with commas. eg: 1,5,7

; Which tab to use only for currencies ? Higher priority from left to right

; Stash tabs to use for chaos recipe items

In this example you allow the bot to use Tabs 1 to 8

It will put currency in Tabs 4 and 5

It will put CR (and presumably Regal Recipe) stuff in Tabs 6, 7 and 8.

It will put everything else in Tabs 1, 2 and 3



Please note: the Chaos Recipe Stashing is still in development.  - Please hold off until released.  But you can still sort Currency and everything else...

Edited by Curado

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