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Seriously WTF is this? Recorded position position 83 444 !!

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I'll take a guess and say the positions are pixels? Since 800x600 is the window, that position is at x=83 and y=444, so somewhere on the left side, halfway up the screen??

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I understand that its that point on the screen. 

What happens is Bot tries to enter the hideout and then tries to get to that position on the screen which again opens the waypoint window and then it goes back into town....

Then it goes back into the  hideout again.


What i don't understand is what is triggering it and where those coordinates are defined... a grep of all the configuration files didnt yield these coordinates.

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If nothing else works, try rearranging ur hideout to make a vendor NPC, stash, and map device all nearby each other.
Make the path from the stash to the map device clear. Sometimes bot will accidentally click on other stuff while trying to get from one to the other.

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I've been doing that... Still trying to figure out what it is trying to do at that position... Because it happens randomly... And the other times it access the the things normally... A more verbose log would be helpful..

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This is the position of the transition between a4 town and dried lake map on static 2d map.

I'm running again and again and again dried lake to make it happen and see what's wrong, but still didn't see the bug of bot being stucked with this message happening..


FYI it's hardcoded, and you can't disable it. Bot needs it as the transition to dried lake is not loaded in memory if you aren't close enough, which means that bot can't find it. Therefore if you want to farm dried lake, it's in a4 town and transition isn't loaded in memory, bot goes toward thellis recorded position. Same trick is used in a1 town as well.

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