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Odd bug: stuck trying to read inventory? v0.56i

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Checked on one of my bots to see it dead. Nothing happened for a minute so checked lastrun log. It had been dead for quite a few mins and the log was full of this:


2016-02-01 20:59:59 [info] -> Moving to position(1668.478271, 2342.391357). State Priority: 4
2016-02-01 21:00:02 [info] -> Stopped to read inventory list before the end because number of tries is too high.
2016-02-01 21:00:02 [info] -> Stopped to read inventory list before the end because number of tries is too high.

2016-02-01 21:00:02 [info] -> Stopped to read inventory list before the end because number of tries is too high.
2016-02-01 21:00:02 [info] -> Stopped to read inventory list before the end because number of tries is too high.


Not sure what came first, the death and this, or this causing the death.


What does that mean and what could cause it?



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