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Progression testing and bugs

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Couldn't find another thread on this, but ran 3 bots through progression from scratch:


It worked pretty well for the most part, but here are the problem areas that happened on all 3 runs:


  1. Bot can't hit the switch in mudflats and enter lower submerged. Had to do it manually
  2. Bot gets lost in upper prison, never finds Brutus. Had to do it manually
  3. Bot rarely finds the weaver chambers and doesn't enter the final area to fight the boss and get maligaro's spike
  4. After getting the spike manually, bot doesn't go to wetlands (or kill bandits, not sure what it's programmed to do next)


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Only problem I have with act 1 is it tries to go to way points it doesn't have if I start bot in town. If I start bot in a zone. E.g. the coast it runs progression just fine. And yes I did have to manually click underground passage but it's no big deal to walk to the computer once in a while and click a few times and then unpause the bot and let it go. I also had the bot progressing fairly well in aCT 2. It did find maligaro etc. I just had to do the bandits. Progression quit working in act 3/4 however I understand that these things take a while to work out. Good luck borring!!

Edited by zelda420

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