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Bot not working in VM

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I followed WalterWhites guide. I've got a shared path of exile running in the VM without issues. However, when I try to start the bot, nothing happens. It just brings the poe window into focus within the . 


I've tried all the common fixes, I'm not sure what to do next. 


It should be noted that the bot works as expected outside of the VM. 



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Make a VM without the Shared Options, install PoE and stuff old skool way for any new installed computer follow Compendium.


Oh and make sure you downloaded the latest bot version.



Cant really see the problem with my setup, or no way to reproduce what ur trying to say here. Bug reports has to be better then this....


Atleast mention what bot version you are running and what Game Version etc etc... ATLEAST.

Edited by RaZe

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You're right. In "MUST READ BEFORE POSTING". It says, "If the bug does not pertain to the bot it self, but something relevant like a VM please do not list the current release version!". Given my situation where the bot works outside of but not within the VM, I think you can appreciate how that may have been an ambiguous instruction. 


If you want people to be more specific, perhaps in the MUST READ BEFORE POSTING post, you could include a response framework like this: 


Bot Version: 0.51e

Game Version(s): Steam & Normal

VM: Yes, VMWare most recent

Guide Followed: WalterWhite

Installed: DirectX, .Net, VCRun Redis


I'll look at the compendium to see if I'm missing anything within the VM, that's probably it. 


@Dynasto, yes, I installed it after it complained I was missing msv100 or something similar to that. Perhaps I'm missing something else the bot relies on in the OS? 

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I tried reinstalling everything from the compendium, I didn't miss anything - but I reinstalled them in the vm all the same. That didn't solve the issue. Shortly I will try installing the game directly on the VM rather than sharing. 

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I installed a new VM and the bot worked for a time. Today, I restarted the VM and now the bot does nothing other than hold focus over the window. I'm running both the bot and PoE in Admin mode. 


I don't know what else to try. 

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