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Misclick issue when opening stash??

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Seems like theres a slight bug when opening up the stash, it picks up and then puts down my main hand weapon, which sets my attack to default, and messes everything up. Theres a way to fix it with a program im using a free trial with, is there a way a fix for this could be put into the next patch maybe??? :D Someone said I could pirate it, but im heavily against pirating things.

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Seems like theres a slight bug when opening up the stash, it picks up and then puts down my main hand weapon, which sets my attack to default, and messes everything up. Theres a way to fix it with a program im using a free trial with, is there a way a fix for this could be put into the next patch maybe??? :D Someone said I could pirate it, but im heavily against pirating things.


You just said there's a fix for it, So Dxtory and limiting your FPS worked? Because you did not mention that in the shoutbox, you said it did have no effect on it. Kinda confusing

Edited by RaZe

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