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Crit Tornado Shot - Ranger

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I see only one post about a Ranger, an it didn't help at all. Maybe I didn't do something right.
But I ran my bot for 8+ hours an did 100 runs
Out of those 100 runs
23 deaths
an many chickens.


Can someone help me out with the "Combat" I'm not sure if he needs to kite or what.
My bases are good. Have 105+ on all my Rest -45Choas.

I'm just not sure what else I can do besides tweak with the "Combat" some more.

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what lvl are you and what area are you farming..also increase your maximum distance..


for me i've had 6 chars get pretty much blocked at lvl 86 because they suddenly start dying more often and losing all exp...still with all those deaths and being unable to get past lvl 86 on every char i've made(10+) i am still making decent bank..nearly 100 exalts in 1 1/2 months with 1 high lvl farmer and 2 low lvl farmers


what I also suggest is to stop using TS and use Crit Split arrow Fork..that cut my deaths a lot but not enough to keep my exp sadly.



also if you dont mind, share your combat config file and ill see what i can tweak to see if it helps you out.

Edited by MasterOfSilence

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There are two ways to dont die: 


1. DPS, and i mean a lot of DPS. My Wander does 44k with Kinetic Blast and GMP, thats an insane clearing speed, with good amounts of loot (around 5 Deaths per 12 hours)


2. Tanky as fuck. You will loose a lot of loot for this and a lot of exp for gems. Max Block Marauder (0-1 Death per 12 hours)

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